Chapter 8

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All your comments and likes made me so happy. I love it and I love how much people seem to like this story.

We see a little of what Viserys is thinking, to give you a heads up, he has not gotten any smarter. We also get a three year time jump. Rhaenyra receives a surprising visitor and we get to see how much Visenya has grown. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

As always Valyrian will be in italics and Dothraki will be in bold italics!

Viserys slammed open his chamber doors, still attempting to catch his breath. How had everything gone so wrong? He had spent years attempting to keep the peace and make sure his kingdom prospered. He had done everything to provide his kingdom with a worthy heir. He had attempted to do his best to educate his daughter after Aemma passed, he wanted her to be queen. But it was like Otto had said, Rhaenyra had disgraced herself. She had gone to a pleasure house with Daemon and fucked him, she had gotten with child and then refused to wed Laenor. Rhaenyra refused to listen to reason, she would not do what was necessary to secure her legacy. Viserys had no choice but to disinherit his daughter. It had been one of the hardest things he had done in his life, he loved his daughter with all his heart. He had never even gotten to meet his granddaughter. But Viserys knew he was doing the right thing, he was protecting the kingdom.

Daemon had done what Viserys asked, he had wed a good lady from a good family. Viserys had asked Daemon to make a choice, he had made it clear to his brother what would happen if he wed Rhaenyra. He also told his brother he would accept his return to Westeros and to court if he rejected Rhaenyra. He wanted to prove to his daughter that Daemon only wanted the throne, not her. Viserys had believed Daemon would ignore him, just like he had in the past. Then he had been surprised when he heard Daemon had asked Corlys for Laena's hand. Viserys had immediately given his approval and sent a letter to Rhaenyra. He was sure his daughter would accept to wed Laenor after hearing about Daemon, but Rhaenyra had been more stubborn than Viserys believed. After she refused to do her duty once more, he had no choice but to cut all communication with her.

"Your grace." Viserys took a deep breath before turning to look at Otto. "You cannot pay attention to what that savage god said. Aemond is your rightful heir."

"Otto, a God just told us that Aemond would never be king. He told us Aegon had been killed by the gods for attempting to usurp Rhaenyra's place." Otto did not look pleased, and neither did Alicent, who had also come in after him. "Do you really want to put Aemond's life in danger by naming him the official heir?"

"Nothing will happen to Aemond." Otto moved closer. "You heard what the God said, Aemond is also favored by the gods, he will have a dragon one day. He should be king."

"I am not saying no, Otto." Viserys was not sure what to do. Arrax has cursed them, had cursed all of Westeros. "We will have to wait, make sure nothing happens before we decide to name Aemond heir. I would like to be alone, I need to think."

"Of course your grace." Alicent stepped out of his chambers, while Otto stayed behind. "I just want to make sure you understand the lords will never accept a woman on the throne, especially one that had a child out of wedlock."

Viserys did not say anything, he needed to think about many things. He needed to think about what Arrax had said, about what had happened with Rhaenyra. He wished his daughter would just apologize, if she returned and apologized he would forgive her. He would also like to meet his grandchild. He was not sure where Rhaenyra was, there were so many rumors that he did not know what to believe.

He had heard that she was working in a pleasure house in Lys, he also heard that she had been taken by the Dothraki as a slave. Then someone told him she had become queen of Meereen, and Viserys immediately had Otto investigate. Otto had been able to find out that she was not a slave, he had not been able to confirm if she was working in Lys. Otto had told him the rumors about Rhaenyra being queen of Meereen were possibly not true, there were a few Westerosi lords who still wanted her to be queen, Otto was sure that they had spread the rumors about Rhaenyra in Meereen.

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