41- A little longer

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Becky's POV

Panicking, I practically bolted out of the restroom. I couldn't bear the thought of hearing Freen declare that Patricia is her new girlfriend, or anyone for that matter, not at this moment anyway. My heart was still racing as I rushed to put some distance between myself and that phone call.

Irin chased after me, and when I finally came to a halt at a park bench, she caught up to me.

"What happened? Did Freen do something?" Irin asked, concern evident in her voice.

I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself before answering, "No, she didn't do anything or say anything actually."

Irin furrowed her brows, genuinely puzzled. "Then why did you suddenly run away?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to get out of there," I replied, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and uncertainty.

"Hmmm... well, yeah, me too actually," Irin confessed. "I was getting tired of all those 'Freen Campus Crush is back' comments and gossip."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Irin's candid remark.

Irin joined in on the laughter, and our shared amusement acted as a much-needed release.

Our laughter came to an abrupt halt as a boy cleared his throat and began to speak to us.

The young man wore a friendly smile as he introduced himself, "Hi there, I couldn't resist stepping up to approach you both." He grinned and continued, "I promise I'm not a creep or anything, it's just that you're so captivating, even if it seems like you were running away from something." His light-hearted compliment added a touch of charm to the dramatic encounter.

We couldn't help but notice his striking good looks. With his chiseled jawline, deep brown eyes, and a disarming smile, he appeared like a character straight out of a romance novel, which only added an extra layer of intrigue.

I exchanged a glance with Irin, both of us surprised by the unexpected turn of events. It was as if the drama had taken a sudden twist, with a hint of romantic intrigue.

Irin replied with a friendly smile, " Well, we appreciate the offer, and you seem like a nice guy, but I have a girlfriend, my friend her, though is available, we still can't, we still have class in a while."

The young man nodded understandingly, his smile undiminished. "Of course, I understand. If your friend ever has some free time or feels like it, here's my number," he said, handing us a slip of paper with his contact information.

He then added with a hint of optimism, "Or perhaps I could have her number? In case she's ever interested in that drink." He smiled warmly and introduced himself, "I am William, by the way."

Irin and I exchanged another quick glance. I smiled back at him and replied, "I'm Beck, and this is my best friend Irin, nice to meet you, William."

Then Irin handed him her phone with a friendly smile. "Sure, why not? If my friend ever decides she's interested, she'll know how to reach you." Irin's response was gracious and left the door open for the potential of a future connection.

"Wait, before you go, can we take a picture of the three of us?" Irin asked the young man, a playful glint in her eye. The request added a final touch of camaraderie to their unexpected encounter.

"What are you doing?" I asked Irin, giggling at the playful antics.

Irin flashed a mischievous grin and whispered, "I'll tell you in a while." Then, she continued, "Come on, let's take a picture. Beck, stand in between us."

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