Lying Runs in the Family

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*Two days later*
*Aria's Pov*

We slow to a stop in front of Lucas's house. Today is the day that we're going to ask him about his position on the A team, if he has one at all. Although I strongly believe that he does.

"Ok, so I'm going to knock, right?" Hanna asks, undoing her seatbelt.

"Right." I say, sitting up straight. Hanna opens her car door and gets out, then adjusts her shirt before walking up the short path to Lucas's front door.

I watch her knock carefully on the door, hoping Hanna will walk away with at least a little more insight on A than what we came here with.


*Hanna's Pov*

I step back and wait patiently for someone to open the door, hoping it will be Lucas. I hear a deadbolt lock click, then watch as the door slowly opens.

"Oh, hello." A middle aged woman says dully, who I assume is Lucas's mom. She looks like him, sharing the same dark hair and tired eyes. Except the way she carries herself is as though she let out a deep breath and never took another one in.

"Hi," I say "I'm looking for Lucas. Is he here?" I stand daintily and put on my best shy smile. But to my surprise, Lucas's mom just scoffs.

"I wish he was." She replies "Haven't seen him in almost three weeks."

"What!" I yell a little too loudly "I mean-um-where is he? If you don't mind me asking." It doesn't make sense, how has Lucas's mom not seen her son in three weeks? He just got into a car accident, wouldn't she care to visit?

"Wish I knew, darling." Lucas's mom sighs "I've had zero contact with that boy for weeks. Don't know what happened, but he's changed." I stare at her for a moment, trying to tell if she's serious. Wouldn't you worry if your son disappeared for three weeks? Mrs. Gottesman realizes that I'm not saying anything else, and begins to shut the door.

"Wait!" I shout. She opens the door again, then waits for me to say something.

"If you do see Lucas, tell him to call me." I say. She raises her eyebrows.

"I didn't catch your name." Mrs. Gottesman states.

"Oh," I reply "I'm Hanna." She nods, then closes her door. As I walk back toward the car, I can't help but feel disappointed. My friends and I all thought we were going to leave here with some juicy new information, but instead we're going to go home with just as much knowledge on A as before. This really sucks.

I open the car door and sit down in my spot next to Emily. Everyone looks at me expectantly, even though they could all see I didn't talk to Lucas.

"Well that was a huge bust." Spencer sighs, slouching back in her seat.

"I know," I reply "But do you wanna hear the weirdest part?" Everyone nods.

"Lucas's mom said she hasn't seen or spoke to him in almost three weeks." I tell them.

"What?!" Ezra widens his eyes "How?"

"I'm not exactly sure," I admit "But apparently she hasn't had any contact with him this entire time. Would she not worry about her teenage son after three weeks of him being gone?"

"I would think so." Aria says. I look at her small baby bump, knowing how much she already loves her and Ezra's unborn child.

"All of this is messed up," Emily says "Lucas's strangely uninvolved mother is just about the last thing I'm worrying about right now." I nod, trying to shrug it off. But it just seems too...weird. Like seriously, if your teenage son goes missing for nearly a month, would you not wonder where he could be?

Ezra starts the car, doing up his seatbelt as he does. It sucks that we're leaving without talking to Lucas, but at least it opens up a new question: If Lucas hasn't been home for nearly three weeks, then where is he? And what the hell is he doing? As we pull away from the house, I take one last glance back. I look at the car in the driveway, then to each window on the house. As my eyes pass over the top left window, I gasp. There's a person looking out from behind a dark blue curtain, a person I'd recognize anywhere. Lucas.

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