Pregnant Whales Don't Get Self Conscious

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Three Months Later
Aria's Pov

Today, I'm exactly seven months pregnant. It's another rainy grey evening in Rosewood, but I don't mind it too much. I love getting snuggled up on the couch and listening to the rain pour down outside, something about it is comforting. And, it's a perfect reason for me and Ezra to have a fire in our fireplace. Last month, we moved into our new house. I absolutely love it, it's perfect for us. Located in a friendly neighbourhood on the outskirts of Rosewood, our house has two levels, three bedrooms, and a fairly big backyard. The neighbours are nice, the houses aren't too close together, and as a bonus, there's a park down the road for when Piper's older. We love it here, it's perfect for us.

"Do you want popcorn for the movie?" Ezra asks, walking out of the bathroom. We decided to watch a movie before we went to bed, as there's not much else to do on a rainy Sunday night.

"Yeah, I guess." I reply "But do we have any pretzels?"

Ezra grins "Just got some yesterday. And I'm assuming you want peanut butter to dip them in?"

"You got it." I reply with a smile.

"That reminds me!" Ezra exclaims before he walks away "You're seven months today, I need to write in the book!" He quickly walks upstairs, then comes back down with a little pale pink notebook. For a few months now, Ezra's been writing little things about my pregnancy. How often Piper kicks, my current cravings, just little details that will be fun to read later on in life. And since I'm seven months pregnant today, Ezra is going to measure the circumference of my stomach, just like he does every month. He'll also probably ask about a million questions regarding the past four weeks of pregnancy. But I don't mind at all, I love that he's doing this.

"Alright Babe," Ezra says "What have you been craving for the past month? Wait, I've got this!" He grabs the pen and opens the notebook to the next available page, then writes Seven Months at the top.

"Okay," He says "Sour Skittles, pretzels and peanut butter, watermelon, macaroni and cheese, and of course pickles." I smile as he writes everything down, happy that Ezra is doing this.

"Hmm, what else?" Ezra asks, putting the end of the pen in his mouth "Oh yeah! Dark chocolate, plain crackers, Starbursts-"

"But only the red ones!" I interrupt.

"Duh!" He replies with a smile, writing only the red ones in brackets "Anything else?"

"Strawberries dipped in cream cheese, and double chocolate brownies." I add "And I think that's about it."

"Perfect!" Ezra says as he stands up "Now it's time to measure your stomach." He walks out of the living room, kissing my forehead as he walks by. I can't help but smile, Ezra has been so amazing through all of this, ever since the day I told him I was pregnant. I couldn't ask for a better father for Piper.

Ezra walks back into the room with the measuring tape in hand, smiling widely. I stand up, keeping my hand on my huge stomach. As Ezra crouches down, I drop my hand and stand up straight.

"She's kicking a lot right now." I say, smiling. Ezra places his hand on my stomach to feel our daughters movement, smiling as he does.

"Are you doing backflips in there or something?" Ezra says to my stomach, grinning. He kisses above my bellybutton, then goes back to the former task.

He places one end of the measuring tape at my bellybutton, then wraps it around my back until it reaches my bellybutton again. After he writes down the measurement, we both sit back down on the couch.

"There's only one thing left," Ezra says "Regarding pregnancy, what feels different than last month?"

"Hmm," I question "Well for starters, I feel more like Humpty Dumpty than I did last month." Ezra laughs, writing feels more like Humpty Dumpty down in the book.

"What else?" Ezra asks.

"Well...I've noticed that getting out of bed is becoming harder each day." I tell him "And that back pain is becoming a little more frequent. But it's all worth it."

Ezra writes it down, then looks back up at me "Watch next month you'll tell me to write Get this baby out of me! down in the book."

I laugh "Honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised. I'm already starting to borderline feel like a whale."

"You're not a whale," Ezra chuckles "You're pregnant." I don't respond, but instead, stare down at my balloon-like stomach.

"Imagine how pregnant whales feel." I say. Ezra snorts with laughter, grinning goofily.

"I'm no whale expert, but I'm pretty sure that pregnant whales don't get self conscious." Ezra laughs.

"I'm not self conscious!" I retort "I just feel like a...a...whale!"

"Okay, okay." Ezra grins "But maybe whales do get self conscious, and they just tell the other whales that they 'Feel like a human'."

"Ha ha, very funny." I chuckle, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Okay, so we decided on The Great Gatsby right?" Ezra asks. I nod, standing up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking concerned.

"To get some pretzels." I reply "And do you want popcorn?"

"I do," Ezra says "But I'm going to get us the snacks, so you can sit back down."

"Ezra!" I whine.

"Aria!" He copies, smiling.

"Seriously, I'm going to get us snacks." I say, walking toward the kitchen.

"Excuse me," Ezra says, rushing to my side "But can't a boyfriend get his girlfriend a bowl of pretzels?"

"Can't a girlfriend get her boyfriend a bowl of popcorn?" I mock him. We both walk into the kitchen, then stop and look at each other.

"Well now since we're both in here, why don't we just get our own snacks?" Ezra asks with a smile.

"Great idea." I reply, turning toward the cupboard.

After getting our choice of movie snack, Ezra and I go back to the living room and get comfy on the couch together. As the movie begins to play, I listen to the rain pelting down outside and smile, feeling safe and relaxed. I lean back and rest the bowl of pretzels on my overly-sized stomach, a huge perk of being pregnant. Almost subconsciously, I begin to rub my belly. I'm starting to get really anxious to meet Piper, and I know that the next two months will definitely not go quick enough. But I guess I should just live in the moment, not two months from now. I'm sure that one day, I'm going to miss being pregnant, there's a lot of enjoyable things about it.

Ezra wraps his arm around me as I lean against him and yawn, suddenly becoming tired. Somehow, I manage to relax even more. Just for a moment, I close my eyes, realizing how heavy they've grown. I feel Ezra's hand on my stomach and smile, his warm fingers sending tingles down my spine. As I think about Ezra and Piper, I realize something; I must be the luckiest woman alive. The love of my life and I are expecting a baby, just bought a house together, and have never been happier. If I'm not the luckiest woman alive, I sure as hell feel like it.

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