Labour Pains?

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Later That Night
Aria's Pov

"Goodnight." I say to Ezra, leaning over and kissing him.

"Goodnight, babe." He replies, his lips almost against mine. I snuggle in closer to him the best I can with my very pregnant belly, although I am pretty used to it.

"Goodnight Piper." He plants a kiss on my stomach, leaving his hand there when he lays back down. I smile as I close my eyes, yawning at the same time. I'm glad to finally be home in bed after everything that happened tonight.

I begin to drift into a well-needed sleep, my mind almost feeling numb. I didn't realize how tired I was until I closed my eyes. Just as I'm nearly asleep, something strange happens. Something that jolts me awake so quickly that I almost don't feel tired anymore. If I didn't know better, I'd swear I felt a contraction.

No, that had to have been something else. Maybe I just mistook an upset stomach for a contraction. Or maybe it was all in my head. But what if it wasn't?

I'll wait a little longer before I start panicking too much, just to be sure. Because who knows, maybe I'm so tired that I'm imagining things. I don't want to make a big deal out of something that may not be. I close my eyes again, almost instantly drifting back to sleep. My mind still focuses on what just happened, leaving me to worry slightly. What if I'm going into labour? Don't panic I tell myself It's probably just a false alarm. And even though it's probably just that, I still can't help but think it's the alternative. That little part of me that doesn't think so rationally is doing a good job at getting me panicked.

There it is again. That time, I'm positive, felt like a contraction. Even though I've never actually felt one to back my theory up, I've googled obsessively about anything to do with childbirth. And after all of my research, I've definitely learned what a contraction is supposed to feel like. It's supposed to feel exactly like what I just felt.

"Ezra." I say quietly, gently shaking his shoulder. His eyes pop open, looking around the room frantically.

"Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly, turning to face me.

"Um, I think so." I reply "Well actually I...I think that I...I'm not really sure, but maybe-"

"Aria, just tell me." Ezra chuckles. I take a deep breath, wondering if it's wise to make a big deal out of this quite yet. What if I'm wrong?

"I think I had a contraction." I blurt out before I think too much of it. Ezra's eyes widen, and he quickly jumps out of bed.

"Don't panic!" He says, rushing over to my side of the bed "It's going to be okay. W-we're going to go to the hospital, everything's going to be fine Aria."

"It's okay, I'm not panicking Ezra." I reassure him "I'm just...I don't know...shocked I guess. I mean, she's not supposed to be here for another month."

"It'll be okay." He says "Everything's going to be okay. Now let's quickly pack a hospital bag."

"I already did that weeks ago." I reply, standing up from the bed and grabbing it from the closet. Ezra hurries over to me and takes the bag from my hand, then wraps his arm around me.

"Are you okay so far?" He asks worriedly as we walk out of the room.

I nod "It doesn't really hurt yet, it's just really uncomfortable."

"Okay, just let me know if anything changes." He tells me. I nod, placing my hand on my huge stomach. As we walk down the snowy driveway to the car, I get another contraction. It's not painful enough to make me stop what I'm doing, although I can't help but wince slightly. Ezra notices, and gives me a worried look.

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