Isn't Love Great?

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Aria's Pov

It's a rainy Saturday morning in Rosewood, and today is the day I'll tell my three best friends, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer, about me being pregnant.

For over a year now, my friends and I have been getting notes from an anonymous person who went by the name of "A". At first, the notes started as threats and some blackmail, but now A is completely controlling our lives, and had brought us all to near-death experiences.

Once, A had knocked Emily out, nailed her shut in a box, and chained her to a moving conveyer belt with a razor blade at the end. If we wouldn't have found her in time, who knows what would've happened.

No matter what, I'm always being controlled by A, and I'm terrified for my baby's safety. No matter how hard we try, he is always one step ahead of us.

I pick up my phone and call Spencer, and after two rings, she picks up.

"Hey Aria." She says in a bubbly voice.

"Hi. Are you busy tonight?" I reply.

"No. I just finished my calc homework. We can hangout at my house, my parents are out of town until tomorrow." She offers.

"Sure. I'll see what Emily and Hanna are doing." I tell her. We rarely hang out without all of us together.

"Okay, see you later." She presses end.

I call Hanna and Emily, who both agree to going to Spencer's later. They all think that it's just going to be a normal chick-flick, Cosmo quiz filled night, but in truth I would be telling them about me being pregnant.

"Morning babe." Ezra says sleepily as he sits down beside me, rubbing his eyes.

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek "Good morning. How was your sleep?"

He smiles at me "Good. You feeling better?" Yesterday after we arrived back at Ezra's, I got a searing headache and passed out on the couch.

"Yeah. A lot better." I say truthfully. For some reason I feel oddly refreshed and cheery. But I guess that's a good thing. He leans forward and kisses me, slow but passionate. I kiss back, the feeling of Ezra's lips on mine one of the best. When he leans back, a boyish smile lingers on his lips.

"What?" I ask.

He pulls me over to him "I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you. I'm excited for what the future will be like with our baby."

I feel myself blush "I think I'm the lucky one to have you."

He brushes a strand of hair out of my face, a puzzled look on his own "You didn't think I was going to leave you, did you?"

I shrug and mumble "Well, I don't know. I was just expecting the worst." He sighs, before kissing the top of my head.

"I'm not going to leave you. Ever."

A Few Hours Later
Ezra's Pov

I flip through the channels on tv, trying to find something that's even remotely entertaining. Aria lays in bed, trying to have a little nap before she goes to Spencer's later. I know that she's going to tell her friends about the pregnancy, and though I doubt that they'll react badly, I'm still a little nervous for her. After the way Aria's parents reacted, she must be even more weary about the whole thing.

"Ezra?" Aria's voice whimpers from the bed behind me. I quickly turn around, then stand up once I notice the tears on her face.

"What's wrong?!" I gasp, hurrying over to her bedside.

"I-I was thinking," She trembles "I don't know how I'm going to do this. I can't raise a baby, I'm in highschool. Why did I think this could ever work, I was ridiculous to believe that things would all turn out okay. I can't have a baby, I'm not even seventeen yet! I-I'm so sorry, but I think we have to consider other options Ezra." I'm so taken aback by what she said that I can't find the words to even reply. I just sit on the edge of the bed, taking her hand as I fumble for a decent response.

"Aria..." I trail off "W-we can figure things out, you know we can. This is all new, but we just need some time to let it sink in."

Aria just shakes her head "I can't be a Mom, not yet. I'm sorry."

"What are you saying?" I ask hesitantly "Do you want to put the baby up for a-adoption? Or are you talking about an—"

"No." She cuts me off "Not that. If we put the baby up for adoption, we know it'll have a good life, something that I don't think I can promise."

"We can do it, we'll be great parents Aria!" I plead "You're not in this alone, remember? Please, please think about it a little more, maybe it's not what you really want."

"But it is, Ezra." She says "I want to put the baby up for adoption." Any words that I try to say get caught in my throat, and I can't help but let a few tears fall.

"I'm sorry." Aria sobs, reaching up and caressing my face "I'm so sorry."

"What changed?" I choke out "Why were you okay with having and raising the baby before?"

"Because, it hadn't really sunk in yet." She replies guiltily "But now that I realize what we're signing up for, I don't think I can do it. It's not fair on the baby."

"But we can be good parents, I know we can!" I beg "I don't want to give our baby up Aria."

"I don't know what to say." Aria says quietly "I'm just...I'm sorry."

"Can we please just sit on it for a little while longer?" I ask "Please."

"Okay." She agrees in a hoarse whisper.

One Hour Later

I watch Aria as she packs her sleepover bag, grabbing clothes from the dresser. We haven't talked much in the past hour, but I think we both needed a little time to ourselves. Whatever we end up doing with the baby will be a huge decision, and we both need to think deeply about it.

"Ezra?" Aria says suddenly.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I'm sorry about earlier." She sighs. Walking over to where she sits on the bed, I take her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask "If you're not ready to be a Mom yet, there's nothing you or I can do about it. It's just the way it is." Even though it's hard for me to say this, I don't want to make Aria feel guilty. She's not ready to have a baby, it's nothing she did wrong.

"That's the thing." Aria starts "I-I'm not ready to be a Mom, but the thought of carrying and having the baby just to hand it off to another family doesn't seem right either. I don't want an abortion, so I guess...I guess that leaves only one option. To keep the baby."

"But..." I stammer "I thought you weren't ready?"

"I'm not." She shrugs "But we've still got a while until the baby is due, so I think that gives me enough time to let the whole being a Mom thing sink in. I've got a lot to learn, and I know that, but I'm prepared to do it. Even though I'm not ready to be taking care of a baby quite yet, I'm ready to start accepting that it's going to happen in less than nine months. I'll get there, I know I will. Because if it really came down to it, I know I couldn't part with our baby."

My eyes widen "S-so, we're keeping the baby?" Aria gives me a smile, her eyes watery.

"We're keeping the baby."

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