Congratulations, it's a...

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Two Weeks Later
Aria's Pov

"Come on Ezra, I can't wait any longer!" I say excitedly, shoving my feet into my shoes.

"We don't have to leave for another ten minutes," Ezra laughs "But okay, I'm coming."

I'm so eager to leave because today is finally the day that we get to find out the gender of our baby. I feel like I've been waiting forever for today to come.

Ezra and I have officially chosen one name for each gender, middle names and all. For a boy, we have Sawyer James Fitz, and for a girl, Piper Grace Fitz. Ezra and I found the name Piper online and absolutely fell in love with it, so it's not one from our original list, but it's definitely our favourite for a girl.

"Alright, let's go." I say as soon as Ezra puts his shoes on.

"Aye aye, Captain." He salutes me with a smile.

Hand in hand, we walk down the hallway toward the elevator. I can tell that there's some extra bounce in my step as I walk, and know it's because of how happy I am. I can't believe that we get to figure out if we're having a daughter or a son.

After we get into the car, Ezra leans over and gently kisses me. As I kiss him back, I can tell that he's smiling as well. Ezra bends down and kisses my baby bump, placing both hands on either side.

"Hello little peanut, it's your daddy again. I just wanted to say how excited mommy and I are to see how much you've grown today on the ultrasound machine. We love you very much." He kisses just above my bellybutton, like always. As he sits up, I give him a quick peck on the cheek.

"You're going to be the best dad, Ezra." I tell him. He smiles at me, blushing slightly.

"And you're going to be the best mom." He replies, buckling his seatbelt. I do the same, grinning as I do.

The drive to the ultrasound clinic is mostly in silence. I think both Ezra and I are too busy focusing on the news we're about to find out to start a conversation. I subconsciously rub my belly as I think about the baby inside. I still can't believe that by the end of today, I'll be able to say which gender Ezra and I are having. I'll finally be able to start buying clothes and other baby necessities, it'll just make being pregnant so much better.

We arrive at the ultrasound clinic and get a parking spot right near the door. Ezra shuts the car off, and for a brief moment, we sit in silence.

"You ready?" Ezra asks happily, looking at the front door.

"Of course," I reply "I've been waiting so long for this."

Ezra smiles "Me too, I can't wait to find out which gender we're having."

We walk into the clinic and find a seat in the waiting room, which only has one other couple in it. Our appointment isn't for another ten minutes, but this is something I definitely don't want to be late for.

"Hey, look at that." Ezra says, pointing at something on the wall "Right now, our baby is about the size of an avocado." I look at the large poster, which tells you a fruit or vegetable that best matches the size of your baby according to how many weeks you are.

"And next week we move up to bell pepper!" I laugh. Before Ezra gets a chance to reply, a woman walks into the room with a clipboard in her hand.

"Aria Montgomery?" She asks. Ezra and I both stand up and follow her into a room.

"Your doctor will be in shortly, you can wait here." The lady says, pointing to two chairs. She smiles at us before exiting the room, leaving Ezra and I to ourselves.

"This is it," Ezra says "This is the day we find out if we're having a little boy or a little girl."

"I'm so excited," I tell him "I can't believe today is finally here." A woman walks into the room, who I immediately recognize as my doctor, Marie.

"Hello," She says happily "How are you two today?"

"Wonderful." Ezra answers truthfully.

"That's a pretty common answer." Marie says, smiling "Okay Aria, you can go ahead and lay down on the table and we'll get started." I excitedly climb onto the table and lay down, then pull up my shirt to expose my still-small bump.

"Pretty exciting day today, you get to find out the gender." Marie says as she spreads the clear gel over my stomach.

"Yeah, we're both really excited." I admit, beginning to smile widely. Ezra pulls his chair beside me and takes my hand, grinning happily. Marie moves a handheld device around on my stomach, looking back and forth between it and the screen.

"Oh! There's the baby!" Marie says excitedly, keeping her hand still. My heart leaps as I look at the screen, and tears begin to form in my eyes. On the screen is a side profile of the tiny human being growing inside of me. My baby. I look at Ezra, whose eyes are watery as well. He squeezes my hand, a wide grin on his face.

"Are you ready to find out the gender?" Marie asks, looking between Ezra and I. We both nod vigorously, exchanging excited glances with each other. We've been waiting for this moment for so long.

Marie moves the handheld device around on my stomach, trying to find the right spot. Suddenly, a smile appears on her face, and she turns to look at me and Ezra again.

"Congratulations, it's a little girl." Marie says excitedly.

Immediately, I burst into tears of happiness. Ezra and I are going to have a daughter, a beautiful little girl. This is one of the most amazing moments of my entire life.

"We're having a daughter," Ezra says, nearly in tears "A baby girl." I nod, too happy to say anything. I don't think I've ever been so happy as I am right now.

"I'll leave you two alone while I go get the prints." Marie tells us as she walks out of the room. The second the door clicks shut, Ezra pulls me into his arms. A smile is still present on my face as he holds me tightly, and it doesn't feel as if it'll wear off for a while.

"Thank you." I say to Ezra as we pull apart.

"For what?" He asks, wiping a lone tear from his eye. I look down at my little bump, where our daughter is slowly growing.

"For giving me the best gift I could ever ask for." I say. Ezra smiles, then leans over and gives me a soft kiss.

"It takes two people to make a baby, Aria." He says quietly, his lips just inches from mine. I smile, then quickly peck his lips.

Ezra reaches over and grabs a tissue from the box, then wipes the gel off of my stomach. After disposing of it, Ezra bends down and kisses my belly.

"Hi, Piper." He says quietly to my bump. Somehow, I manage to smile even wider. Seeing Ezra talk to my bump just got a whole lot cuter. He's not just talking to our baby, he's talking to our daughter. Piper Grace Fitz.

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