Driven From Rosewood

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One Week Later
Aria's Pov

"Aria," I hear my name being whispered "Aria wake up." I scrunch my eyebrows together, wondering why I'm being woken up, Piper's not even crying. Though I don't want to, I force myself to open my eyes.

Ezra sits up in bed beside me, and in the dim moonlight I can see a panicked look on his face.

"Do you hear that?" He whispers worriedly. I shake my head, not knowing what he's talking about. I open my mouth to reply, but then hear something that doesn't sound unlike footsteps.

"Oh my god." I say shakily "Ezra what do we do?"

"Get Piper from her crib and stay here, I'll go downstairs." He replies.

"No! What if you get hurt?" I ask fearfully. He looks at our closed bedroom door, then to Piper's crib, and finally, back into my eyes.

"I can't take the chance of them coming up here and hurting you or Piper." He says quietly, looking down at his lap. Then without a second thought, he gets out of bed and walks to the door, grabbing a metal sculpture of The Statue of Liberty from his bedside table. My heart pounds nervously in my chest as Ezra walks into the hallway, but I don't let it stop me from thinking clearly. As quickly as I can, I get out of bed and take Piper out of her crib, then sit back down with her cradled against me. I grab my phone from my bedside table, turning it on to the dial pad. I listen carefully for any noise coming from downstairs, although it's almost completely silent.

But it doesn't change the fact that someone's in the house.

Ezra's Pov

I walk softly down the stairs, hoping that whoever is here won't hear me coming. Though I'm absolutely terrified, that's not what my mind is focusing on. All I can think about is keeping the intruder away from Aria and Piper. I clutch the metal Statue of Liberty with shaky hands, holding it defensively in front of me. Sure, probably not the best weapon, but it was the best thing in sight.

I hear what I'm positive are footsteps, and stop walking. They're close, maybe just around the corner. Taking a deep breath and trying not to think too much about it, I step around the corner, bracing myself for whatever's to come. Sure enough, someone in dark clothing stands there, staring directly at me.

"Get out!" I scream, lunging forward with The Statue of Liberty. The person narrowly dodges my hit, stepping back and putting their hands up.

"Ezra!" They whisper-shout "It's okay, it's just me!" I slowly lower my makeshift weapon, not believing the voice that I'm hearing. The figure walks to the right, reaching over and turning on a lamp.

"Spencer?" I say confusedly "What the hell are you doing?"

"First of all, I'm so sorry for having to come in your house like this, but neither of you would answer your cellphones." She says "Second of all, you need to go upstairs now and get Aria and Piper. W-we all got messages—they didn't really make sense, b-but we need to leave. You need to leave, all of you. It's not safe, he's coming, and I don't know when. But g-go upstairs and pack your stuff because you need to get out of here. You have to—"

"Spencer!" I cut her off "What are you talking about? I'm so confused right now. How did you even get in here?"

"You don't get it!" She cries "There's no time! Let's go upstairs and get Aria and Piper, I'll explain, but we have to hurry! Come on!" With a disgruntled sigh, I follow her upstairs, not really having a choice. She walks into mine and Aria's room, a small scream coming from inside as she does. She holds our sleeping daughter protectively in her arms, a scared look visible on her face in the dim moonlight.

"It's just me." Spencer reassures her "Don't worry."

"What are you doing here Spencer!" Aria whispers loudly "How did you even get in?"

"I know your garage door code, remember?" Spencer replies "But that's not the point! You need to get the hell out of here, now. Start packing, he's coming!"

"Okay, who's coming?!" I ask frustratedly, not getting half the stuff she's saying.

"A!" Spencer shouts with annoyance. She pulls open the closet doors, grabbing Aria's suitcase off the shelf and opening it.

"Woah, slow down!" Aria whisper-shouts "How do you know A is coming, and why do we need to leave?"

"Is your phone not working?" Spencer asks "Because we all texted you, and you never answered. Hell, you never even got A's message!"

"What? It should be working." Aria questions, turning her phone on "It's's on airplane mode." She turns airplane mode off, immediately getting a flood of text messages.

"Here's A's." Aria says "Oh my god..." Her eyes widen as she reads the message. I hurry to her bedside, not believing the words on the screen.

One, two, I'm tying up my shoes.
Three, four, I'm heading out the door.
Five, six, I'm coming quick.
Seven, eight, I won't be late.

Buckle up, bitches, I'm coming for you. Take your Get Out of Rosewood Free passes and go before I win this round. If not, then game over.

-Kisses, A.

I stare at the text in disbelief, my eyes feeling as wide as Saturn. If this means what I think it does, that A is coming for my family, then we need to get out of here, and quick.

"See!" Spencer says "Do you get it now?" I nod as she grabs one of Aria's shirts from the closet and throws it in the suitcase.

"I can pack my own things, Spence." Aria says "But do you mind holding Piper?"

"Not at all." She replies, hurrying to take the sleeping baby from her. Aria and I both frantically throw things into suitcases; clothes, money, some of Piper's necessities. But all I can think about is why, why is this happening? What's the use in driving us out of Rosewood, what is it helping? Whatever the reason, we don't have another option, not with a baby to think about. Staying back with her is too dangerous, only because we can't risk what A will do if we disobey. Aria and I are responsible for another human being now, and we need to do what's safest for her.

"So what exactly are we packing?" Aria asks hurriedly as she grabs Piper's diaper bag "Where are we going?"

"I don't know!" Spencer scoffs "I know just as much as you do! All I know is that A is coming, and we have to leave. I don't want to find out what will happen if we stay put."

"Me either." Aria says, zipping up her suitcase "But I'm ready when you are." She looks at me.

"Let's get out of here." I say, lifting my suitcase off the bed.

"Hanna and Emily are in the car outside," Spencer explains as we clamber down the stairs "Let's try and stay together when we're driving, we don't want to get separated." I nod, grabbing my car keys off the hook. Aria puts Piper in her carrier, covering her with a blanket.

"Are you sure there's nothing else you guys need?" Spencer asks "Because I don't know when we're coming back."

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