Bye Bye, Baby Bump

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Nine Hours Later
Aria's Pov

"You're doing great, Aria." My midwife Mariah says "It's not much longer until she's born." With my hand tightly clutching Ezra's, I give another push.

"I can't!" I cry, leaning my head back onto the pillow.

"Yes you can," Mariah says in a reassuring tone "You're doing just fine. Just give me a few more pushes, I can almost see the head." I grit my teeth and push again, the pain now more unbearable than ever. I don't know how much longer I can do this for.

"Good job!" Mariah gushes, smiling excitedly "It's not much longer now." I look at my friends through watery eyes, then to my mom. They all give me a hopeful look. I push some more, squeezing Ezra's hand as if for dear life.

I scream in pain as I get another contraction, and this time, it's somehow even more painful than before. Ezra has a look of worry in his eyes for me, yet a look of excitement for the fact that we soon get to meet our daughter.

My mom mutters something to me, but I don't hear it due to my screaming and everyone around me gasping.

"And there's the head." Mariah says happily, giving me a look of reassurance. My heart leaps at her words. It won't be much longer now.

The next part nearly comes as a blur, the pain engulfing me. It's practically all I can focus on. Ezra's hand in my own brings me comfort, and I grasp it so tightly that I'm afraid I'm hurting him. But I don't let go, because it's the only thing keeping me from going crazy due to the pain.

That's when I hear it.

Everything's silent for only a moment, before I hear the most beautiful sound. The soft cry of a baby. Not just any baby, my baby.

She's placed on my chest immediately, still covered in birthing fluids and blood. Yet despite the numerous liquids that cover her entire body, she's the most beautiful, perfect thing I've ever laid my eyes on. In this magical moment, I know that I've fallen in love. Not the way you fall in love with your husband or wife, but the way a mother falls in love with her child. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.

After she's cleaned, weighed, and measured, Piper is brought back to me wrapped in a pale pink blanket. But before she's placed in my arms, I tell the doctor to give her to Ezra. He looks nervous as he reaches out, but once our daughter is in his arms, I can tell that he too has fallen in love. Ezra doesn't take his eyes off of Piper, and he stares at her with as much love and compassion to fill the entire room.

Ezra slowly sits down beside me on the bed, taking his free arm and putting it around me. He looks back and forth between me and our daughter, a smile on his face. I've never seen him look so proud.

"You did amazing, Aria." He whispers, kissing my forehead. I reply by smiling sheepishly, then leaning my head on his shoulder.

I don't know how much time passes as Ezra and I just sit on the bed staring at our now sleeping daughter, but I do know that this is the happiest moment of my lifetime. She's here, she's finally here. After waiting for what seems like forever, we got to meet our beautiful baby girl. Our healthy, happy, perfect baby girl. Somehow, she's even more perfect than I could have ever imagined.

With Piper now in my arms, Ezra leans forward and kisses her forehead. Immediately, a huge smile spreads across my face. It absolutely melts my heart to see Ezra and Piper together.

Just as Ezra finishes kissing her little forehead, Piper wakes up. But she doesn't cry like I expected her to. Instead, she yawns, her eyes opening briefly as she does.

"Ezra," I gasp "She has your eyes." I smile even wider at this newfound information. As far as appearance goes, we've so far figured out that Piper has my nose and chin, Ezra's lips, and fairly dark hair that comes from both of us. And now, Ezra's deep ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah, she does, doesn't she?" Ezra replies happily, not taking his eyes off our baby "You have my eyes, little peanut. But you look so much like your mommy. You're both so beautiful. I'm gonna tell you something, baby girl, something amazing. When I met you today, held you in my arms, I realized something. I realized within the first two seconds of seeing you that I'm already willing to die for you. I'm never going to let anybody or anything hurt you. I love you so much, Piper Grace."

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