As Long As We Both Shall Live

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Two Hours Later
A's Pov

I watch from the outskirts as everyone at the wedding dances happily together. The evening sun is warm, shining down on the opening where the wedding reception is taking place. The only sounds are music, talking, and laughter. There's something about it I just hate.

Spying on those bitches in the daytime is risky, as it heightens my chances of being seen. But I've found a pretty good spot to watch from, and no one's seen me yet. They're all too caught up in the happiness of the marriage, the joy of it all, blah blah blah. I couldn't care less about Mr. and Mrs. Fitz, in fact all I care about is ruining their wedding day. And I couldn't think of a better way to do it than involving their precious little Piper.

{Aria's Pov}

"My turn!" Spencer exclaims, taking my hands and dragging me to dance. Spontaneously and definitely not gracefully, we dance together to the upbeat music, our hands still joined. The smile on Spencer's face makes me smile even wider than I was before, which I didn't know was possible. Hanna walks up and starts dancing next to us, grinding against me jokingly.

"Keep it PG Han." I laugh, dropping one of Spencer's hands and taking Hanna's. Emily joins in so the four of us are standing in a circle holding hands, all of us grinning.

"Look at us," Emily says "We're so grown up now. Not only did we just finish highschool, but we're at Aria's wedding. Our little Aria."

"Hey, I'm the same age as you guys." I defend myself.

"But you're just so little." Emily replies as she hugs me, Spencer and Hanna joining in.

"We're hugging so much lately." Hanna laughs.

"I know, it's great." Spencer says "I love you guys."

"Love you too, forever and ever." I reply. We stay in our group hug for a little while, only ending it when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Mike stands there, looking a little awkward.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you guys are getting requested to dance." He says pointing to the right. Ezra, Toby, and Caleb all stand together, smiling at us. Near them stands Lilia, Emily's new love interest. She says they're not dating yet, but I think that'll soon change.

"Hey Mrs. Fitz." Ezra says as he wraps his arms around me.

"That makes me sound like your Mom." I chuckle as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Nah, you know how my Mom likes to go by Mrs. Fitzgerald." He replies with a laugh. I just smile as we sway to the now slow music, Ezra's arms comfortingly around me. Thinking back, I don't remember the exact moment I realized I was in love with him, but I do know that once it happened there was no way I could ever turn back. No matter what, I'm never going to stop loving Ezra with everything I have. All that's going to happen is that I'll fall even more deeply in love with him, if that's even possible.

"Thank you." He says suddenly, his voice quiet.

"For what?" I ask, keeping my head on his shoulder.

"For everything." He replies "For loving me, becoming my wife, making me a Dad. Thank you."

"I love you." I say "And I also want to thank you for always sticking by me. Even when I found out I was pregnant you were there for it all. A lot of people would've left."

"There's nothing that means more to me than you and Piper." Ezra says "And I'm always going to be by your side, through anything that happens. I can promise you that Aria. For better or for worse, as long as we both shall live." I don't say anything, but just hug him a little tighter. People dance to the soft music all around us, although it's not hard to focus on Ezra and only him. We dance together for at least ten minutes, only stopping because we can hear Piper starting to cry.

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