An Unexpected Surprise

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Ten Days Later
Ezra's Pov

The waitress sets our food down in front of us, chicken parmesan for me, and a veggie burger with extra pickles for Aria. On this cloudy Saturday night, I decided to take Aria out for dinner at our favourite restaurant, The Blue Bicycle Bistro. It's one of those hole-in-the-wall restaurants, but the food is to die for.

"Mmmm." Aria mumbles as she bites into her burger "Piper and I needed this." I chuckle as she speaks with a mouthful of food, making her words barely understandable.

"This chicken parmesan will never get old." I say, swallowing a bite "Seriously, what do they put in this to make it so good?"

"I don't know," She replies "But whatever it is, they put the same thing in their burgers." I chuckle as I watch her take another bite, looking very pleased.

We finish our dinner slowly, talking in between every few bites of food. Everything's going great, except toward the end, I notice Aria beginning to look uncomfortable. Almost like she can't sit down any longer, as if she's itching to get up.

"Everything okay, babe?" I ask. She takes a second to nod.

"Y-yeah." She stammers "My Braxton Hicks are just really bad right now. But I'm fine, they'll go away soon." I frown, studying her facial expression to see if she's in more pain than she's telling me.

"Are you sure?" I ask skeptically "Because we can head home if you want."

"No!" She says quickly "I'm enjoying myself here." I watch her worriedly for a few seconds before replying.

"Okay." I say quietly "Just tell me if the Braxton Hicks get any worse, and we can go home."

"Okay." She agrees, looking down at her lap.

We finish off our meals, chatting aimlessly about random things. Although we mostly talk about Piper, who is due in only four days. It's absolutely crazy to think that in just a mere four days, I'll be able to hold my little girl in my arms. To kiss her soft little forehead, or hold her tiny hand in my own. Only four more days.

I notice Aria beginning to look uncomfortable again, a pained expression on her face. She tries to hide it, but it's not fooling me.

"Aria, you're still in pain." I say.

"N-no." She replies "I'm fine. Really."

"Well you don't seem fine." I continue "It seems like your Braxton Hicks are really bothering you." She nervously picks at her fingernails, avoiding my eye contact.

"Actually," She says "I-I think I need to go to the bathroom." She stands up from the booth with her hand on her bump, then after giving me a forced looking smile, walks toward the bathrooms.

I sip nervously on my ginger ale as I wait for Aria to come back. I hope that the Braxton Hicks don't last for too much longer tonight, I don't want our dinner to be cut short. Although I'm more than willing to head home early if it's more comfortable for Aria.

I finish off my drink, which the waitress refills soon after. As my second glass of ginger ale begins to disappear, I start to get more and more anxious for Aria to come back. Finally, with only a few swallows left of my soda, I see Aria walk out from the bathroom. I smile at her, happy that we'll be able to resume our dinner. But as she gets closer to me, I notice the panicked expression on her face. I open my mouth to say something, but she beats me to it.

"My water just broke."

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