Miracles on Top of Miracles

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Two Hours Later
Ezra's Pov

"We're never gonna get out of here!" Hanna yells "We'll die in here before anyone finds us!"

"That's not helping Hanna!" Mike yells back.

"Well just standing there isn't helping either!" She screams.

"I haven't been just standing here! I've been trying to pick that lock with your stupid bobby pin!" Mike screams at Hanna.

"That stupid bobby pin wasn't so stupid when you asked me for it!" Hanna wails back at him "So I don't know why you're being such a-"

"Hanna!" I cut her off "Arguing isn't helping. Both of you, just stop." She stubbornly crosses her arms and stares at the ground, while Mike leans back against the wall and looks at the ceiling.

Suddenly, I hear the doorknob being twisted from outside. Mike and Hanna quickly back away from the door, all three of us fearing that it's A. The door slowly opens, making my heart pound loudly in my chest. We have nothing but our hands to defend ourselves with.

The door opens wide, and in walks a black-jacketed person. I hear Hanna gasp, and for a moment, I'm freaked out too. That is until I realize who it is that opened the door.

"Toby?" I ask, starting to relax. He smiles, and in walks Caleb, Spencer, and Emily.

"Caleb!" Hanna exclaims, running over to her boyfriend's embrace "How did you find us?" He kisses the top of Hanna's head before replying.

"We heard you guys yelling all the way back from Rosewood, it was a big giveaway." Caleb says sarcastically "That and I tracked your cellphones." Hanna laughs, then leans in and hugs Caleb again.

"How did you know to track our phones?" Mike asks.

"Well we were trying to text you guys, but no one was answering for hours. That was our first clue that something was wrong. Then, when I did track them, I noticed that all three of your phones were in the same spot and not moving. We figured you guys were trapped somewhere." Caleb explains.

"Well you figured right," I reply "We've been trapped in here for hours."

"Okay before anyone says anything else, I have to bring up that...that doll." Emily says as she points toward the life-size Aria doll.

"Aria was here, but A took her again. I'm guessing that doll was left to taunt us." I say.

"And the blood?" Emily asks hesitantly.

"That's real." I reply quietly. Everyone goes silent, no one knowing what to say.

"We should get out of here." Spencer declares feebly. We all agree, exiting the tiny room as quick as we can.

"Where do you think we should look now?" Mike asks. I run my fingers through my hair, hating that we're no closer to finding Aria than we were five hours ago. A part of me feels broken, as if when Aria disappeared, she took a huge piece of me with her. I feel lost without her. I feel empty. I knew that I needed Aria to cope, but I never really knew how much until now. Now, I truly know that without Aria, my beautiful Aria, I might as well not exist. Because I can't exist without her, it's impossible. She is a part of me, a part that I absolutely cannot live without. Aria is my other half, my soulmate, she is something that I need to survive. I'm madly, deeply, irrevocably in love with every single aspect about her. I'm even in love with the thought of her, just imagining her beautiful smile, or the way her hazel eyes twinkle with passion. Aria is my oxygen, I can't survive without her. And I won't.

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