D(evil)ianne's in Town

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One Week Later
Aria's Pov

I hear Piper wailing from her swing on the other side of the room, and stand up from the couch to go get her. I press the off button, causing the swing to stop rocking.

"Come here," I say, lifting my crying daughter into my arms "It's around your lunchtime now, isn't it? You must be hungry." I eye the clock on the wall as I sit back down on the couch, preparing to feed Piper. She stops crying the second I begin to breastfeed her, hungrily sucking and swallowing milk. Ezra walks into the living room carrying two plates of pesto pasta, setting one down in front of me.

"Well, aren't I the master of bad timing?" He laughs "She's been asleep the whole time I was making lunch, but decides she's hungry the second it's finished. Was that on purpose, Piper?"

"It's all good." I laugh "I still have a free hand."

"You know I would offer to feed her, but..." He makes motions to his chest, laughing as he does.

"Yeah, I get it." I chuckle "But it's not a problem to feed her and eat at the same time. Besides, you know how it goes. She starts off ravenously hungry, then is out cold before you know it. And she seems to be slowing down already by the looks of it. You should've seen her when I first started feeding her."

"Oh I've seen it." Ezra laughs "The whole 'acts like she hasn't eaten in days' scenario. Isn't that right, Pipe?" I roll my eyes at his nickname for her, not sure quite yet if I'm too fond of 'Pipe'. Although I think it is growing on me.

I set the plate on my lap and begin to eat the pasta, holding Piper with the other arm. Her blue eyes are closed, and I can tell that she's going to fall asleep soon. I smile as I look down at my beautiful daughter, studying her perfect button nose and long dark lashes. Piper's fairly thick hair is soft and silky, and her full lips are wet from milk.

"Hello?" Ezra says, snapping me out of my thoughts. For a second, I'm confused, before I realize that he's on the phone.

"Oh." He continues awkwardly. I go to ask him who he's talking to, but he stands up and leaves the room before I have a chance, shooting me a quick glance. I finish off my pasta just as Piper falls asleep, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath she takes.

"There you go," I say quietly to her "That's better now, isn't it? A nice full tummy." I gently kiss her forehead, cradling her small body against mine. I settle into the couch, leaning back enough so that Piper can lay on my chest. Though I don't necessarily want to, I begin to close my suddenly heavy eyes. I don't resist, because even though I don't want to admit it, I'm tired. Don't get me wrong, Piper is a great baby who doesn't cry near as much as I thought she would, but it still is impossible not to be tired with a week old newborn. It's difficult adjusting to constantly looking after another human being who's only current form of communication is crying loudly. Although despite the long nights and tiresome days, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. I've already fallen in love with it.

Ezra walks back into the room looking slightly worried. He sits down beside me, eyeing Piper sleeping on my chest. Despite whatever he's worried about, he still manages to smile at the sight of our baby.

"We have company coming over." He states, avoiding my eye contact.

"Who?" I ask quickly, slightly concerned by his nervousness.

"My mom and my brother." He answers, now looking into my eyes.

"But Ezra, she hates me." I sigh.

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