Has Hanna Lost It?

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*Hanna's Pov*

"Wait Ezra!" I yell, keeping my eyes locked on Lucas in the window.

"What?!" He slams on the brakes, frantically looking back at me.

"Go back to Lucas's!" I demand. Without question, Ezra backs the car up. I jump out and march back up to Lucas's front door.

"Hanna hold on!" I hear Spencer call from behind me. I just ignore her. Lucas's mom is a liar. I bang my fists on the door repeatedly until it opens.

Mrs. Gottesman stands there looking shocked, but she stays calm nonetheless.

"Hanna! Back so soon?" She says "Lucas isn't here, remem-"

"You and I both know that isn't true," I snap, cutting her off "He's upstairs. I saw him." She just stares at me, her expression blank.

"If my son was upstairs, I would know." She says cooly "Now please, I'd like to get back to my-"

"I saw him!" I cut her off "I know I did! Just let me show-"

"Hanna." Someone says behind me. I turn around to find Spencer standing with her arms crossed "We should go now." I just stare at her in disbelief.

"No Spence, I saw Lucas in that window!" I point to where Lucas stood. Spencer stares impatiently at me, her eyes holding a hard expression.

"Han, we should leave. Mrs. Gottesman is busy." Spencer urges. I ignore her desperate expression.

"Yeah, busy hiding Lucas upstairs!" I turn sharply to face Mrs. Gottesman. She looks offended, like I made some rude joke about her.

"Hanna, I'm asking you to leave." She says calmly.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I can't leave until you admit that Lucas is upstairs right now!" I half beg. I feel someone grab my arm gently, who I immediately know is Spencer. I turn to face her, needing her to understand that we have to get to the bottom of this. Spencer begs with her eyes, getting me to question if what I'm doing is stupid. She pulls lightly on my arm, trying to get me to walk back toward the car. I stare into her eyes for a moment, trying to read their expression better. Finally, I give in and follow Spencer to the car.

"Spencer!" I yell once all the car doors are shut "What the hell are you doing?!"

"What the hell am I doing?" She questions angrily "I was saving you from doing something even more stupid than what you already did!"

"You don't understand, I saw Lucas upstairs! His mom is a liar." I say. Spencer's eyes widen, along with everyone else's.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense now." Spencer says "But the reason I was so eager to get you to leave is because that wasn't Lucas's mom."

"Wait what?" Emily says before I have a chance to say anything "How do you know?"

"Because," Spencer replies "Once when I was at the country club for dinner with Melissa and our parents, I saw Lucas there with his family. Our parents talked, and I remember meeting Lucas's mom. That woman Hanna talked to definitely wasn't her."

"Lucas was at the country club?" Aria questions, not paying attention to the main reason Spencer is telling us this "He doesn't seem like the type of person who would go there."

"Yeah I see what you mean," Spencer agrees "But there were three other people besides Lucas. Two were his parents, and one was a man who I assume was his uncle. Or maybe his second cousin, or a family friend or something. But whatever he was, I think he took them there for dinner. I only saw Lucas there once. But all I know is that the woman we just talked to definitely wasn't his mom." My stomach lurches just thinking about how creepy this is. Did Lucas get that woman to pretend to be his mom, or is Spencer wrong? And where is his actual mom if the lady we met is pretending to play her part?

"This is messed up," Aria says, looking concerned "What do we do?" I shrug, even though it bothers me just as much.

"Hanna?" Spencer asks "Are you sure you saw Lucas?"

"One-hundred percent positive." I reply truthfully.

"Maybe you were just seeing things?" She suggests. I shake my head vigorously.

"I saw Lucas in that window, I swear!" I retort.

"I'm not saying you didn't see him, because I know it's possible that you might've," Spencer says calmly "But sometimes our brains make us see stuff that we want to see, even if it's not actually there."

"I know that Spencer," I reply "But I saw Lucas." The doubtful look in her eyes makes my blood boil. Does she think I'm lying? Why would I lie about this? Lucas is upstairs in his house and I know it. I'm positive that the dark-haired boy looking out of the window was Lucas. I'm positive. At least, I think I am.

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