Back From the Dead

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One Week Later
Aria's Pov

I flip aimlessly through the television channels, trying to find something other than reality tv to perk my interest. I settle on the food network, which is almost just as good.

Warm summer rain pours down outside, creating a peaceful sound in the background of my late-night tv watching. Ezra took Piper upstairs about an hour ago to put her to bed, but ended up falling asleep as well. Not yet tired myself, I decided to relax for a bit with a hot cup of tea. I lean back on the couch, put my feet up, and divert my attention to the screen.

After about ten minutes, my phone buzzes from beside me, signalling a text. I pick it up, seeing I have a new message from Mike.

How do I strain pasta without a strainer?

I can't help but laugh, although kind of sympathize for him at the same time. Since moving out of my house and into his own little apartment last month, Mike has really been learning what it's like to be truly independent. And although he's still missing half the things one might expect to be in a home, he's getting by just fine.

Go buy a strainer

I text back only half sarcastically, hoping he'll get a kick out of it. Mike answers almost immediately, his response just as lightheartedly joking as mine.

But my pasta will be cold by then. For my birthday can you get me a strainer?

I chuckle, rolling my eyes despite the fact that he can't see me.

Yeah but your pasta will probably be cold by then too

I hit send, giggling at my answer. Mike replies quite quickly, much to my satisfaction.

Nevermind, I think it's already cold and you still haven't answered my question ☹️

I scoff lightly, quickly typing my answer.

Well if you had a strainer this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place😬

I look back at the tv as I wait for his response, which comes pretty fast.

I'll just use the screen from the window

Chuckling, I answer him before setting my phone down on the coffee table.

Well enjoy your window pasta

I finish the episode of the cooking show playing on tv, almost falling asleep sitting up. And I think I would've if it weren't for the knock on the door. Confused at who would be coming around at this time, I wonder for a second if I should even answer it. Although I quickly convince myself to, standing up and walking to the front door. I look through the little frosted glass window on the door, not quite able to tell exactly who it is, only that I think it's a female. I slowly open it, not believing my eyes when I'm face to face with the woman on the other side.


I blink a couple times thinking that my mind is playing tricks on me, but she still stands there clearly. Coppery brown hair, a warm smile, wearing her favourite blouse. It's her, in the flesh and bones. And of course I'd be completely positive about it if I knew she wasn't dead. She was brutally murdered months ago, I spread her ashes after she was cremated, I've been mourning her death ever since. My mother is dead.

But this woman standing in front of me is very much alive and looks very much like Ella Montgomery. So this is where I have to ask myself what to believe.

"Aria, let me explain." My Mom's doppelgänger urges. My heart flutters at her voice, I haven't heard it in so long and I thought I never would again.

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