One Happy Family

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Five Months Later
Aria's Pov

"Happy birthday dear Piper, happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheers and claps, causing her to grin and show her little four-toothed smile. After I blow out the candle for her because she can't quite do it herself, Piper shoves her hands into the cake. I can't help but grin as I snap pictures, happiness radiating off of her. After Piper puts cake in her own mouth, she holds a handful out to Ezra beside her.

"You eat it Pipey." He chuckles, gently pushing her arm down. Immediately, she holds it back out to her Dad, peering at him through bright blue eyes. I excitedly take pictures of the cute encounter, as do a few other people.

"That's for you." Ezra laughs "Piper's cake, not Daddy's."

"Dada!" Piper coos at him, smiling widely. After he refuses the smushed up cake one more time, she finally lowers her hand and eats it herself. Grabbing another handful of the no longer simple and tidy cake, Piper this time smears it on top of her head, all while grinning proudly.

"That's my girl." I chuckle "You are your father's daughter, huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ezra asks with fake annoyance.

"Nothing." I shrug jokingly "I'm just saying that Piper's your daughter."

"Well I sure hope so." He replies, smiling. I just roll my eyes sarcastically and snap a few more pictures of Piper.

"Hey Aria, give me your camera and go stand beside Ezra and Piper." Emily says "You three need a picture together." I hand her the camera and walk to the opposite side of the highchair that Ezra is on, Piper immediately holding out some cake toward me.

"Mama," She coos in nearly incoherent baby babble, still grinning.

"That's yours Piper." I giggle "It's for you." I can hear Emily snapping pictures of us, although I pretend not to notice in hopes that she'll get some good candid shots. Piper still holds a handful of mushed up cake out toward me, and though I appreciate the offer, I softly nudge her hand away.

"Imagine how happy she'd be if you let her feed you some cake." Hanna jokes.

"She'd be just as happy to feed it to you," I reply "She loves her auntie Hanna."

"Yeah, go up there Han." Spencer grins.

"Okay," Hanna says, standing up "I'll take free cake anywhere I can get it." She walks over and crouches down in front of Piper's highchair, looking slightly nervous. Piper holds her hand out full of cake, Hanna nearly falling backwards to avoid it from getting on her face.

"I thought you were gonna let her feed it to you?" I chuckle.

"I am." She replies "But can't she just offer it to me gently instead of shoving it at my face?"

"She's one Hanna," I state "And since it's her first birthday today, you have to let her feed you cake."

"Fine," She sighs, crouching back down. Piper presses her cake-and-icing-covered hand into Hanna's cheek, narrowly missing her mouth. Hanna's face scrunches up, although she still smiles.

"Hey missy you're lucky it's your birthday today." She jokes, tapping Piper's nose. Although the moment is undeniably adorable, I can't help but feel a little sad at the mention of my baby's first birthday. It's so hard to believe that a full year has gonna by since the day she was born; Piper is growing up right before my very eyes. And although I'm a little weary of her getting older, I'm so excited to see her amazing personality to come out even more. Piper is truly the best thing that's ever happened to me, my greatest accomplishment, the thing I'm most proud about. It's nearly been two years since I took that pregnancy test, alone in my bathroom, scared to death of what the result would be. Never in a million years did I think I'd be a teen Mom, the thought was nearly like poison. Although now, trying to picture my life without my little Piper Grace, is something close to unimaginable. She has completed me in so many ways.

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