Come Crawling Back

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Emily's Pov

"She's not here, Ezra." I say "But I'll call Spencer and Hanna and ask if she's at their houses. I'm sure Aria's okay."

"Thank you." Ezra replies "I sure hope so." I hang up the phone and sigh, nervously tapping my foot.

"Thanks Emily."

I turn around to face Aria, forcing myself to flash her a smile "No problem." I lie, because it is a problem. Ezra's out there frantically searching for Aria, and I hate that I lied to him about her whereabouts. But Aria asked me to, she came to my house over Hanna's or Spencer's, and she's trusting me not to tell Ezra where she is.

I watch Aria as she wipes tears from her eyes again, trying to hide the fact that she's crying. I go over to the bed and sit down next to her, pulling her into a hug.

"I-I just don't understand why Ezra would do that." Aria sobs "He knew I missed my parents, so why would he tell them not to call me?"

"I don't know." That's another lie. Because I do know why Ezra did what he did. A made him. Ezra was trying to protect Aria, and the only way to do that was to do what A asked him. Of course he didn't want to tell Aria's parents not to contact her, but those were A's terms and conditions. All Ezra intended to do was keep her safe.

But I can't tell Aria that.

At least not until she calms down a little. I'll make her feel terrible about storming out if I tell her now. As Aria cries onto my shoulder, I can't help but wonder what Ezra is feeling right now. He's probably looking everywhere for her, not knowing that she's right here, safe and sound. Why do I feel guilty?

When Aria stops crying after about ten minutes, I excuse myself to the bathroom, my phone tucked in my pocket. I shut and lock the door, my heart pounding loudly. What I'm about to do may make things worse, but I can't stand the guilt anymore.

You can stop looking for her, she's safe. Don't come here, she doesn't know I'm texting you. I'm only doing it so you don't have to worry about where she is anymore. I'll try to convince her to at least have a conversation with you so you can tell her the truth.

I send the text to Ezra, hoping that he'll listen to what I said about not coming here. I just wanted him to know she's safe so he doesn't have to worry anymore. My phone vibrates on the counter, telling me that I got a text.


That's what I hate about texting. You can't tell which emotion the other person is displaying. I don't know why, but I expected Ezra to say more, not just ok. I can't tell if he's sad, angry, disappointed, or any other emotion. I bet all he wants to do is apologize to Aria, explain to her why he did what he did, hold her in his arms again.

But none of that's going to happen until Aria agrees to talk to Ezra again.

I walk back into my bedroom, where Aria still sits on my bed. I walk over to her and sit down, hoping I did the right thing by telling Ezra where she is.

"How're you holding up?" I ask gently.

She shrugs "Okay, I guess. I just don't get why Ezra would do that to me. This whole time, I could've been seeing my parents. We could've celebrated when I found out I was having a girl, went shopping for Piper together, enjoyed all the things that I should've enjoyed with my parents during my pregnancy. But instead, I was left thinking that they hated me."

"You've still got a month left of being pregnant." I say "It's not too late to call them." She looks down at her baby bump, seeming to contemplate the idea.

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