Breaking Laws & Bones

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One Week Later
Aria's Pov

I lay Piper down in her crib, hopping she'll finally go down for the night. After making sure the baby monitor is on, I quietly sneak out of the room, trying my hardest not to wake her up. Luckily when I get back downstairs, no noise is coming from the other baby monitor, meaning Piper didn't wake up.

"So she finally decided to fall asleep." Ezra says as I flop down on the couch beside him "I really don't know how you do it sometimes. I tried for so long to get her to sleep, but she was wide awake. Then as soon as you try, bam, she's out cold."

"Hey, it wasn't that easy." I chuckle "It took some time."

"But how do you do it?" He asks confusedly "Am I doing it wrong? Or maybe, I'm just so fun and exciting that Piper doesn't want to fall asleep. I bet that's it."

"Oh I'm sure." I reply sarcastically, leaning up and pressing my lips against Ezra's. His breath tastes faintly of the coffee he just finished, which oddly enough makes me smile.

"Hey babe?" I ask innocently.

"Yeah?" Ezra replies, recognizing by the tone of my voice that I'm going to ask for something.

"Wanna make me some coffee?" I half-plead.

"I would, but then you're never going to be able to fall asleep tonight." He says, glancing at the dark sky out the window.

"That's okay," I sigh "I don't think I've gotten a proper sleep in months anyway, what's a couple more hours less?"

"With a newborn baby, those couple hours could mean everything." Ezra replies.

"Oh don't get me wrong, those couple extra hours of sleep mean the world." I say "But coffee means even more."

"Fine." He rolls his eyes jokingly "One cup of coffee coming right up with a side of another late night."

"Perfect." I say sarcastically. Almost seconds after Ezra exits the room, Mike walks in.

"Aria." He says flatly, sitting down beside me "Dad's gone."

"He left today?" I ask, surprised our Dad finally gave up on moving to Grand Rapids without Mike.

"Yeah," He replies "He just messaged me and said he's there. It's like he's trying to make me feel bad about not coming or something."

"Knowing him, that's probably exactly what he's doing." I say more to myself than him. Mike doesn't reply, but instead looks gloomily at his lap.

"Oh come on, you're not actually letting him make you feel guilty are you?" I question "Because you're the one that wanted to stay in Rosewood instead of leaving with him."

"I know, I don't feel guilty." Mike says quickly "It's just weird to know that he actually left."

"Hey," I say after a silent pause "Don't think that just because Dad left, he doesn't care about you anymore or something. I think he knows that you're better off here, that's why he didn't push so hard to make you go with him."

"Maybe." He replies with a sigh. Clasping my hands in my lap, I stare at my brother with concern. I thought keeping him here in Rosewood was best for Mike, and though it may be, change could've also been good for him.

"Look, just stay here a little longer before you decide anything too drastic." I tell him.

He just gives me a weird look "What do you mean? I never said I was moving to Grand Rapids."

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