Mama's Girl

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Aria's Pov

"Aria?" My mom says, her eyes widening. She looks down at my very pregnant stomach, the expression on her face unreadable.

"I want to talk, mom." I say, trying not to show how nervous I am.

"O-okay." She replies quickly "Come in, please." As we walk into the very familiar house, Ezra gives my hand a comforting squeeze. I look around the living room, tears suddenly welling in my eyes. I didn't realize how much I've missed this place.

"Do you two want anything to drink?" My mom asks "I can make some tea."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I reply. Once my mom leaves the room, Ezra and I turn to face each other.

"Ezra, she's impossible to read." I whisper "I can't tell how she feels about this. I don't know if she's happy, or sad, or anything between."

"She's just shocked." Ezra reassures me "You haven't seen each other for over seven months. I'm sure that when this sinks in, she'll be ecstatic about all this."

"I hope so." I say "I thought this moment would be a lot better."

Ezra puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head "Just wait, it'll get better."

My mom walks back into the room, a forced-looking smile on her face. I try to return it, but I think it comes out as more of a grimace.

"The water's boiling," She says "While we wait, can I offer either of you anything to eat?"

"Not to be rude, but we didn't come here to snack." I say "I'd really just like to talk to you."

"Oh," She says "Yeah, of course. It just hasn't quite sunken in that you're here yet."

"Yeah, I get it." I admit "I can't quite believe that I'm here either. I-I expected this place to change so much, but it's almost exactly the same."

"Yep, still the same old house from when you left." My mom replies.

"I didn't leave." I say quietly "You kicked me out." She stays quiet, looking down at her lap. Maybe I went too far.

"Sorry." I say "But you did kick me out. And it really hurt." When my mom looks up, I notice the tears running down her cheeks.

"Aria," She chokes out "I'm so sorry. I love you." She wraps her arms around me, shaking slightly. For a second, I don't know what to do, I didn't expect for her to have actually missed me. But when I hug her back, I know that her embrace is something I've missed more than I imagined.

"Mom," I say "I forgive you. I've missed you so much." As we hold each other, I can't help but cry. This woman, who angrily kicked me out of her house, is now welcoming me back with open arms. This woman, who never called to apologize, is now crying for forgiveness on my shoulder. This woman, who I've had the privilege of calling my mom, is ready to call me her daughter again.

"Aria, I'm so sorry. I really am." My mom sobs "I should've never kicked you out. I've missed so many important months of your life because of it. I can honestly say that it's my biggest regret."

"I wish that things went differently, but we can't change them now." I reply "We only have right now. We can only go forward." She smiles, tears still in her eyes.

"Look at you," She says "You've changed so much these past seven months." I nod, unable to contain my smile.

"Yeah, only one month left until she's born." I place my hand on my round bump, smiling lightly.

"She?" My mom asks. I nod, taking Ezra's warm hand.

"Yeah, we're having a little girl." I reply, looking over at Ezra. I can't believe that my mom didn't even know which gender I'm having. I thought that she would've asked Mike, or somehow heard it from someone. I didn't realize how little she knows about the past seven months of my life.

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