Why Can't We Be Friends?

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Five Days Later
Aria's Pov

The Tv plays a re-run of Friends, an episode I've already watched. Ezra and I are re-watching the entire series, and we don't take for granted the little bits of free time we have together. Snacks are sprawled out over the coffee table, a bowl of pretzels on my lap and popcorn on his. Piper is asleep upstairs, and even though we normally are in bed at this time too because we're trying to co-sleep, we figured we'd stay up a little later for our Friends marathon. Though I'll regret it in the morning when Piper wakes up at her usual time just after the crack of dawn, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself now.

"Want tea or anything?" Ezra asks, standing up from the couch.

"Yeah sure, I'll take a green tea." I reply, setting the pretzels down beside me. As I listen to Ezra in the kitchen, I aimlessly twirl my engagement ring around my finger. I can't wait until the day of the wedding, the day I'll finally become Mrs. Fitz. I'm not sure I want to be a Montgomery much longer.

Through the baby monitor, I hear the sound of Piper crying. After a begrudging sigh, I stand up and walk upstairs. In the dim light coming from her salt lamp, I can see Piper squirming around in her crib. Picking her up, I gently bounce her in hopes she'll fall right back asleep. She stops crying, although still stares up at me with wide blue eyes.

"Go back to sleep babygirl." I say softly "Mommy and Daddy are just downstairs." Despite the fact that she should be tired, Piper's eyes are alert and awake.

"How about you come downstairs and watch Friends with us?" I say "Would you wanna do that?" I take her wide awake gaze as a yes, and carry her downstairs. Ezra sits on the couch holding two steaming mugs, waiting to press play on the show.

"Hey, what's she doing up?" He asks.

"She wants to watch Friends with us." I reply loosely "We're not sticking to the sleeping schedule tonight, so why should she when she's the reason we have a sleeping schedule?"

"Touché." Ezra laughs. I settle back into my spot on the couch, Ezra's arm around me and Piper laying on me. She'll probably fall back asleep in a matter of minutes, so the only difference of her sleeping upstairs or down here is that we get to cuddle her.

"Pay attention to this show Piper." Ezra says jokingly "It's kind of a requirement to live here. If you don't like it, you'll be finding your eviction notice up in your crib."

"Can't argue with that." I add sarcastically. Although nonetheless, Piper's fast asleep within the next five minutes. And despite the fact that I really want to watch the show, I too begin to feel my eyelids droop. I guess all this co-sleeping we've been doing has really affected my ability to stay up late.

There's a knock at the door a couple of minutes later, causing my eyes to spring open. Ezra stands up from the couch, walking over to the front door. It's nearly 11pm, who would be stopping by now? As I hear the lock clicking and door swinging open, I can't help but feel a little anxious.

"Mike!" I hear Ezra gasp. Standing up quickly, although carefully as to not wake Piper, I walk over to the front door. There stands my tired looking brother, a backpack slung over his shoulder. After gently passing Piper to Ezra, I pull Mike into a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're home." I say quietly, closing my eyes and smiling.

"Yeah, I'm back now." He replies. After a few seconds, I step back and study him carefully.

"Mike..." I start "You don't smell like alcohol, do you?"

He smiles nervously "Would you believe me if I said it was cologne?"

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