A Weekend Away

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The Next Weekend
Aria's Pov

"Wake up Ezra." I say, placing a squirmy Piper on his chest. His eyes spring open as she puts her fingers in his slightly ajar mouth, smiling as she does.

"That's one way to wake me up." Ezra chuckles groggily, removing Piper's hand from his mouth.

"Thought so." I reply as he kisses Piper's cheek.

"When are we gonna leave?" Ezra asks, sitting up.

"Well, Spencer said to meet at her place by eight, then we'll all follow her to the cabin because she knows how to get there." I answer "She really wants to get an early start."

"Okay, fine by me." He shrugs "This little one gets us up early anyway." He lifts Piper above his head, making a silly face at her. Despite the fact that she usually finds this fun, Piper starts crying.

"Oh you stop it." Ezra says, bringing her back down "You love when I give you airplane rides."

"It's early, give her a little time to wake up." I chuckle "She's still sleepy."

"Well then she should've slept in a little longer." He replies sarcastically.

"If only." I laugh, getting back out of bed. After brewing some coffee, getting dressed, and putting our bags in the car, we're pretty much ready to leave on our little three-day vacation.

"Okay my lovely ladies, do we have everything we need?" Ezra asks, walking into the living room and standing next to Piper and I.

"I think we've got it all." I reply "And even if we don't, I'm not sure we have room for it anyway."

"Well, let's get out of here then." He says excitedly, his smile contagious. After loading the rest of our stuff and ourselves into the car, we drive to Spencer's house. Toby and Emily's cars are already parked, although Caleb and Hanna don't quite seem to be here yet. I lift Piper out of her car seat and walk up to the front door, Ezra beside me.

"Hey you three." Spencer says happily "Come on in." We step inside, taking off our shoes and piling them next to everyone else's.

"Hi Piper," Spencer coos "Wanna come to Auntie Spencer?" I hand her to my grinning friend.

"You are just too cute." She gushes "Seriously, look at you. You get all the heart-eyes in the world."

"Look at her hair," I say excitedly "It's getting long enough that it's starting to curl by her ears."

"Don't forget her little ankle and wrist rolls!" Ezra adds "They're the sweetest."

"Awww, Piper you make me wish there were ten of you." Spencer whines.

"That's a lot of diapers." Ezra laughs through gritted teeth.

"It's also a lot of cuteness." Spencer replies. There's a knock on the door just as she finishes talking, Caleb and Hanna walking in.

"Sorry we're a little late." Hanna huffs "We stopped to get everyone coffee." Caleb holds two trays of coffees, smiling slightly.

"Actually, we were late to begin with because someone didn't wanna get up." He glances at Hanna "So we just stopped to get coffee so it looked like we were late for an actual reason."

"You could've left that part out." Hanna says with fake annoyance in her voice.

"Well, at least there's coffee." I laugh, raising my cup slightly in the air after Caleb hands me one.

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