Brother Trouble

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Aria's Pov

"Is it weird?" Mike asks, furrowing his brows.

"Is what weird? I say, replying to his extremely unspecific question.

"I dunno. Just, like, knowing that there's a tiny human inside of you." He makes motions with his hands.

I widen my eyes "You have no idea how weird it is." I admit "It's still hard to wrap my head around." He just smiles lightly, not saying anything else. I look down at my stomach, and though it's not yet evident that I'm pregnant, I still can't help but smile at the thought that there's a tiny little life inside me.

"So..." I start, running out of things to talk about. "How's school?"

He looks back up at me "Stupid." he answers simply.

I stare at him and chuckle "Why am I not surprised?"

He smiles and shrugs "But seriously. Who invented school anyway?" At first, I agree with him about not liking school. But now that I realize I would never be in high school again, I think I'm actually starting to miss it. I won't get my senior year like my friends would, as I'm going to have to complete it online. There were so many things that I'm going to have to give up, and even though I'm willing to do them, thinking about all the things I'll miss out on kind of makes me sad.

"Some people say high school was the best years of their lives." I think aloud. Mike looks at me with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"I know. I don't know how they think it's so amazing. I can't wait to get out." He scoffs.

I bite my lip and duck my head, trying not to let Mike see the uncertain expression on my face. "I-I think I miss school." I blurt out "Maybe because I know I'll never be in it again."

Mike blushes, then looks guilty "Sorry," he says, looking at me apologetically "I didn't really realize that."

I smile "It's okay. I never really liked school that much either." Even though it's partially true, there are certain things I'm going to miss.

"When is Ezra gonna be back?" Mike asks, probably trying to change the subject "I'm starving." After we picked Mike up from our parents house, Ezra had dropped us off at his apartment then left to pick up dinner. It gave me a chance to talk to Mike, alone. Even though my brother and I were pretty close before, I feel like I've connected with him more today than I have in the past sixteen years. It's actually kind of nice.

"Um." I say, remembering that Mike asked me a question "Twenty minutes, maybe." He sighs and leans backwards, resting his head on the top of the couch. I reach for my phone on the coffee table to check the time. As I turn it on, I notice that have a notification for a text message. Reluctantly, I go to open it, fearing it was from A. I exhale as I see that it's just from Emily.

How are u doing? The text message says. Emily frequently checks in on me to see how I'm feeling, not so much physically, but emotionally. She has always been the most sensitive of our group, the one who made sure everyone's feelings were in check.

I'm good I write back. I texted Emily before I went to my parents house, explaining to her what I was doing. She tried to convince me to wait a little longer before I went back there, but of course, I didn't listen. And besides, I didn't want to see my parents anyway. I was just there to pick up Mike.

My phone buzzes Did u talk to ur parents? Emily asks.

I begin to type No. I saw my dad though. He tried to stop Mike from getting in the car I hit send.

My phone buzzes with a reply almost immediately. I open the message, which was nothing but a simple Oh. I turn my phone off and set it on the table.

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