Baby Love

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Aria's Pov

I'm exactly two months pregnant today, and even though I'm hardly showing, I experienced morning sickness for the first time yesterday. I woke up at around 6am, then barely had enough time to make it to the bathroom before I threw up. On one hand, the morning sickness is good because it makes my pregnancy seem more real, but on the other, it's going to suck to throw up everyday. After I threw up, I wasn't very tired anymore, so I got up, made tea, and read my book. Despite what I said, Ezra still got up and joined me.

Now, Ezra's in the shower and I'm just finishing unloading the dishwasher. I go and sit on the couch, unsure of what to do until Ezra's finished showering. I pick up the current book he's reading, Pride & Prejudice, and skim through the pages. On the inside front cover I notice the name Dianne Fitzgerald. I immediately recognize it as Ezra's mom, who he probably once-upon-a-time got the book from.

A wave of uncertainty washes over me as I think of her. What happens when she finds out about the baby? Do we hide it from her, and just not communicate with her as Ezra has been trying to do for so long? Or do we just come clean, no matter how disappointed she would be with Ezra. Even though Ezra says he doesn't care the slightest of what his mom thinks of him, I know it has to bug him deep down. She is his mother, after all. I close the book and set it back down on the coffee table, just in time for Ezra to walk out of the bathroom. He kisses the top of my head, little drips of water from his hair making wet dots on my shirt and pants.

"Ezra?" I say, trying to sound casual. He runs his fingers through his wet hair and turns toward me.

"Yeah?" He replies, his grey-blue eyes holding a curious expression.

"Should we maybe—um—tell your mom about the baby?" I half glance at him, unsure of what his reaction would be.

He shakes his head slowly "Aria, that's not a good idea, and you know it. You know how she is. I don't want you or our child around her." I blush slightly at his words.

"But our baby will grow up grandmother-less if we don't talk to your mom." I say. A look of realization washes over his face, but is quickly replaced with denial.

"There's no saying you won't ever see your parents again," He says "And besides, it would be better to have no grandparents than to have my mom." as soon as he says those words, it looks as if he wants to take them back. He doesn't say anything.

I sigh "Can we at least give her one more chance? For the baby?" I put on my most innocent look. Ezra looks as if he's deciding.

"I've already given her one more chance. Multiple times." He declares "And I am doing this for the baby." I exhale loudly, feeling as if I was getting nowhere.

"I know," I say, sounding as if I had given in "But we need to at least try, right? At least your mom wants to see you." I say the last part with the saddest eyes I can muster. Ezra studies me for a second, then walks over and sits down beside me.

"Aria..." He trails off, probably unsure if I'm actually upset or not "I just don't think it's a very good idea. Maybe one day I could try talking to her again. But right now, it's too soon." Even though I so badly want to keep trying to persuade him, I know that he isn't ready to talk with his mom again, and I need to respect that.

"I get it." I say truthfully. Ezra studies me for a second, before standing up and walking over to the laundry basket full of clean clothes. I watch him for a second, feeling like I pushed him too hard. Suddenly, Ezra's face lights up.

"Oh yeah!" He exclaims "I almost forgot!" He drops the shirt back in the basket and walks over to the table. He reaches his hand into a yellow plastic bag and pulls out a fluffy white blanket.

"I bought this yesterday," He says as he walks over to me. He hands me the blanket, which is quite possibly one of the softest things I've felt in my life "It's for the baby."

I can't help but grin. I wrap my arms around Ezra, then kiss him with a smile still on my face. Hearing him say 'It's for the baby' makes me so happy. Ezra places his hands around my waist and looks down. After a few moments he looks back up at me.

"I love you so much," He says "Both of you." My smile broadens at his words. "I do have to admit that all of this scares me half to death," He goes on "But it's only because I don't want to mess anything up. Any more than I already have."

I shake my head "Ezra, you haven't messed anything up. Even though we didn't plan for me to get pregnant, it was meant to be. I mean, everything happens for a reason, right?" He nods, considering it for a second.

Ezra nods to himself "Even though I love our unborn child so much already, I can't help but feel guilty." He stares momentarily at his lap, then looks back up at me "That night two months ago..." He trails off "It was amazing," I feel my cheeks go hot as he talks "But I never thought we would get a baby out of it. I mean, I obviously knew it was a possibility, but I didn't think it would actually happen."

I nod slowly, understanding what he means. That rainy night two months ago with Ezra was perfect and blissful. It was romantic; he treated me to a delicious homemade dinner, followed by cake from our favourite bakery. Before we knew it, we were wrapped around each other, not even our clothes between us. I always say that I wouldn't change anything, but if I could go back to that day, that moment, would I say the same? If I could go back, would I have done anything differently? Would I have chosen a different condom and hoped that it wouldn't break, or would I have just not had sex at all? I think about it for a little while, trying to imagine myself back in that moment. I come to a conclusion, one that I know is the way I truly feel. If I could go back to that rainy May night, I wouldn't change a thing that happened. Not a single thing.

"I definitely didn't expect this either," I say "But if I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing." Ezra looks at me for a few seconds then smiles.

"Aria," He starts "Neither would I. Not for the world. Sometimes, during a stressful time at work all I want to do is just leave. To be anywhere besides there. But then I think of you and our baby. I realize that I would do anything for the two of you. All I have to do is think about you and our baby and I instantly become happy. And it's a different kind of happy from any other type of happy I've felt before." He starts to become so passionate about his words that his eyebrows begin to knit together as he talks, as if words can't express the way he feels.

As I stare happily at him, Ezra pulls me closer so that I'm almost laying down against him. He slides up my shirt to reveal my stomach. Gently, he places his hand down, spreading his fingers to fit perfectly around the small bump that's starting to form. He leaves his hand still for a second, before slowly rubbing circles around my entire belly. Then, he kisses just above my bellybutton, his lips forming a small smile.

"How is it possible to love someone so tiny, who I've never really met, so much?" He says looking from my eyes down to my stomach. I smile, having asked myself the same question.

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