A Baby Wins The Hearts of Many

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Aria's Pov

"They're here." Ezra says, giving me a nervous look.

"Don't worry, everything's going to go great." I reassure him, trying to believe it myself. After we hear a knock, Ezra opens the door to let his mom and brother in, his whole body stiff. I stay on the couch with our sleeping daughter, waiting for everyone to come sit down. I nervously fiddle with Piper's sleeper, making sure the feet aren't twisted and fixing the line of clasps so they're straight. I kiss her soft little head as I prepare to hand her over to Dianne, not totally sure about this.

"So mom, how did you find out that the baby was born?" Ezra asks as they walk into the living room "I mean, you never bothered to ask about the due date, or to see any ultrasound pictures. Hell, did you even know that we were having a girl?"

"Ezra please, I want this visit to go well." Dianne pleads "I know I haven't been the ideal grandmother, but I want to make it up to all of you." She makes eye contact with me, which I nervously break right away. She just makes me so uncomfortable.

"How did you even find out where we live?" Ezra questions "Last time I saw you we still lived in the apartment."

"Is the apartment sold, or are you just renting it out?" Dianne asks, completely avoiding Ezra's last question.

"I sold it." He tells her "Which you would know if you bothered to call me once in a while." I sigh at Ezra's snappy response, although I don't blame him. I get that he's mad, maybe even hurt that his own mother seems to care so little about his life. If this visit has to be filled with snarky comments and vague answers to make Ezra feel better, then so be it.

"Such a shame," Dianne says "That was a cute little place."

"Really?" Ezra asks, his voice full of annoyance "Because you always told me I should move out of the apartment, that it was so small."

"I meant it's a shame that you sold it, you should've rented it out to someone else. You can make quite a few bucks doing that." Dianne tells him.

"Mom, I'm really tired of you telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I had my reasons to sell it, and that's none of your business." Ezra says "I'm old enough to make my own decisions by now, don't you think? I mean I have a daughter now, I'm not only making decisions for myself, but for her too." Dianne goes to reply, but Wesley beats her to it.

"Who we came to see," He adds quickly "I think we should save this discussion for another time and visit with the baby instead."

"Agreed." I say "Do you want to hold her Wesley?"

"Uh..." He stammers "I don't know if I'm the best person for this, I don't want to drop her. You already know how plants aren't my specialty, and I don't think babies are up my alley, either."

"Oh come on, they're two totally different things." I laugh "And besides, I'm not asking you to take care of her for a week or something, it's just holding her for a few minutes."

"Fine." Wesley agrees, holding his arms out. I carefully place Piper in them, hoping that she doesn't wake up and start crying. She's not always the best with new people, and prefers to be held by Ezra or I. But we're working on it, letting everyone who visits hold her so she realizes that it's okay to be held by someone else.

"Guys, she's so cute!" Wesley says excitedly, looking at me and Ezra "What's her name, anyway?"

"Piper." Ezra tells him happily "Piper Grace Fitz."

"Hi Piper!" Wesley says, looking down at his niece "You're so pretty." I can't help but smile, glad that he's enjoying holding Piper. He didn't need to be so nervous.

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