Chapter 4: I'll be there for you

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Alison's POV (I think you should to listen to Maps-Maroon 5 from here :) )

I run as fast as I can! I need to get away from there, from her. Is this how I made her feel? Is this the misery I put her through?

If it is then I get it. I'm an idiot. I'm a bitch. I don't even know why they bothered. Why did they become friends with me? Why did they come after me?

I stop when I recognise where I am. The Kissing Rock. Our spot. I go to where we had once sprayed our initials in a heart. I kneel down it was still there after all these years. I feel tears fall down.

How could I be so stupid? Seriously Alison what the hell was going on in your mind?

You had the most perfect girl in the world and you made her feel like the worst. Why? What the hell?

''I love you Emily Catherine Fields!'' I scream, this felt good. ''I'm an idiot for ever making you feel like you meant nothing. The truth is you mean everything, always have, always will. You were the only one who truly got me, who saw me for who I was and not that bitchy Queen B I made myself look like. But why? I never understood how you could love me with all the fucked up shit I did to you and even to other people! You loved me so much I loved you, I LOVE YOU so bloody much! Why did I do this to you, to us? There's no way you'll let me back in your heart! But I love you! You're my happy ending! I wished I'd just realised before it was too late for it to be too late.''

I paused. By now, tears are gushing down my face and I do nothing to try and stop them. I don't even bother to wipe them away. What's the point?

''How messed up is this though right!?!?! I finally find the perfect girl, who felt the same at one point and then when I've changed when I've become the person she always knew I was, she walks away!!! Why did I say anything? Why didn't I just let her speak? Why did I have to embarrass myself like that! I'm so fucking stupid! Why the hell didn't anyone stop me before?! I should've died that night! Everything would have been so much easier!!! They would've all moved on by now! Their lives wouldn't be so full of crap, my crap! Why did no one stop me from ruining their lives?! Why the hell was I such a fucking bitch! UGH!I hate myself!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!''

A branch snapped.

Emily's POV

''Ali?'' I whisper. She was in such a state I couldn't even tell it was her, at first. Please no... I can't be the reason for this. I know those kind of tears, I've lived them far too often.

''How long have you been standing there?'' Her voice iss harsh, her eyes cold. Ali pre-fake-death was standing there. No... The girls were right I pushed it, I went too bloody far.

''Not long. I just heard you scream and thought something bad had happened''

''Something bad did happen'' Her lips quiver... ooooof... She returns back to her new self '' But I don't want to talk about it.''

''Ali... I'm sorry'' She cut me off immediately

''You're kidding right?'' I'm confused... why would I be kidding?  ''You can't be apologising to me after all the shit you went through because of me, for me'' She says with an apologetic smile. God, she's beautiful. No I can't, no matter what she said or says. You need to move on, you need to be you. You need to be your own Emily. Not her's, like you've been since 8th grade. Remember what you just told her Em. That's what you need to hold on to.

''Just let me finish Ali. I meant what I said back on the porch.'' Hurt covered her face and the tears that were on the verge of stopping became Niagara Falls in seconds. She turns away from me ''Hey wait! Hear me out!'' I step closer to her, grab her arm and turning her to face me, we were now a mere feet from one another. ''I meant what I said. As the girl who was once madly in love with you. But listen to what I'm gonna say now, as a friend. 2 years ago I lost my best friend. The only one who knew the real me 100%'' I lift her face so her eyes are looking into mine. They're so red and puffy and I could see the pain behind her eyes. It took everything in me in that moment to not kiss her, to not kiss that pain away. I quickly put my hand off her chin, just touching her gave me butterflies. ''Then a couple months ago I found out she was alive'' I smile a bit, remembering when I saw Ali again for the first time and she ran away because Spencer had appeared. ''And it was the greatest thing. And then a couple nights ago. We found her. All of the best friends were reunited once again. But something had changed. Their fearless leader had become their loving caring leader. We all realised that night you weren't HBIC but just Ali. Our Ali. And although, we were all mad at you for what you had done. We loved you more for what you had become. Ali, I may not feel the same way about you than I used too'' lie I told myself, ''but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. You're my best friend Alison. And that won't ever change.'' I pull her in for a hug, I feel her stiffen under my touch but then relax into it. She rests her head in the crook of my shoulder and we stayed like that for ten minutes or so.

''Thank you and I'm sorry'' I hear her whisper

''Don't ever say you're sorry to me again, ok?'' I say as I pull away to look into her eyes.

''I won't promise anything but I'll give it a go, Bestie.'' She smiles her beautiful trademark Ali smile.

''Bestie'' I grin back ''Come on we should head back, I'll text Aria, let her know we're on our way back. They're probably worried sick.''

''Okay let's go'' I wrap my arm around her shoulders as we walked back to her house.


Hey! So yeah I think that's probably not what you expected! I wanted your input on the story line truthfully... Do you want A related drama or normal drama like Ali trying to readjust? Do you want it to be difficult for Emison and how slow do you think they should take it... etc

I've got a few ideas in mind but I'm writing this for you guys too and i'd really like to see what you think!!!

xxx -C

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