Chapter 49: Strange Love

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Song: I like it when you love me - oh wonder


Alison's POV

I stand impatiently at the arrival gate, tapping my hand against the rail I'm leaning on. It had been 2 weeks since the argument with Emily and things seemed out of place. Almost as if we were both trying too hard to not screw up and not be ourselves. It felt weird in all honesty, but I understand it. We had things to work through over the Easter holidays and I was sure that by the time she left everything would be back to normal. There would be no forced smiles or phone calls and we would remember just how much we need the other in our lives. To me, it's like everything is different, almost like they don't belong and I hate it. It makes me feel uneasy and tense and I hate that facade of myself.

'' Flight 20389 from Texas please proceed to the arrival gates''

That's her! Yes! I raise myself on my tiptoes and look for her. There's not many people coming out so it's not too difficult to spot on her. Besides the obvious fact that she out-slays everyone here with her killer body and her gorgeous face. I duck under the rail and run up to her. She drops her suitcase as I jump in her arms and wrap my legs around her back.

'' Um... Hi'' she says awkwardly although I can hear the happiness in her voice. She sets me down and I look into her eyes and give her a kiss. That's odd, it feels off. Like she's not into it. I try to shake it off as I pull away and pretend it's all good.

'' Hey'' I smile at her as brightly as possible '' I've missed you''

'' You don't say...'' she chuckles '' I've missed you too''. She picks her bag up and we start walking side by side. I wait patiently. We pass the Starbucks, the Krispy Kreme, the departure boards. She still hasn't reached for my hand. Once we arrive outside I just do it myself and offer her a smile that she returns as I drag us to my car.

When we are in the car, we make small talk. It's not awkward but the conversation doesn't seem to flow as easily as usual.

'' So are the girls waiting for me at home?'' she suddenly asks

'' Um... No. I thought we could spend the day just the two of us.'' I answer

'' Oh. Okay. Yeah.''

'' Do you not want to do that?'' I worry

'' No, of course I want to spend time just the two of us, babe.'' she grabs my hand that wasn't on the steering wheel ''I was just curious that's all'' she soothingly rubs her thumb of the back of my hand before pulling away

'' Okay if you say so''

I feel her eyes on me as I keep driving and I can't help but smile.

'' Quit staring'' I giggle nervously

'' I'm not staring.''

'' Yes you are. I can feel your eyes on me''

'' I'm not staring. I'm admiring the view. And either way, I'm pretty sure it's... How'd you phrase it again?'' she pauses '' Mandatory, right that's it, it's mandatory for me to stare at you, you're my girlfriend. Remember?''

I chuckle and look at her quickly '' How could I forget?'' I smile genuinely for the first time in days to Emily and turn my head back to face the road.

Maybe I have nothing to worry about. Maybe it's just weird for her to see me in flesh again. For all I know, it's just my damn mood swings. I'm sure we're fine. Why wouldn't we be?

Once we get home, I immediately drag her out of the car and to the house hoping for a little fun time before my parents get home from lunch with the Kahn's.

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