Chapter 53: Trust

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Emily's POV

I arrive at the Kissing Rock a few minutes early and she's already there. She's sitting on the rock, facing the lake. I walk to her and sit besides her. She doesn't flinch and just stares ahead of us

'' Hey '' I whisper.

She doesn't say anything, she just nods her head. I turn myself towards the lake too and watch the calm waters. In comparison, I am a nervous wreck and I can't help but keep bouncing my leg up and down. She hasn't uttered one word and that scares me. Is she thinking? Is she preparing herself for what she's about to say or do? I mean she can't break up with me, we're Alison and Emily, we're Emison. We work through everything and anything. We're soulmates. We have to make it, right? Of course, we do. That's what we do. We solve our problems. We don't run away from them. Her silence is killing me. I quickly came to learn that when Alison was silent, she was either scheming or readying herself. And right now, neither seem good for me. She has to say something soon right?

* Love Will Remember - Selena Gomez *

Unable to take it anymore, I take things into my own hands. I breathe shakily and decide that I need to say something, anything that could help me

'' I'm an idiot, Alison. I know that. I'm so sorry Princess! I love y-''

'' Don't.'' she interrupts me. She stands up and walks towards the lake. I see her shoulders rise and fall as she takes a few deep breaths before she turns to face me '' Don't say anything. You've said enough. Now it's my turn.''

I shakily nod my head, petrified of what's coming next.

'' I'm breaking up with you.'' her voice loud and clear

'' Wh-W-What?!?!?!'' I swallow hard. She doesn't want this, this can't be it. Not after everything we've been through.

She closes her eyes briefly and then looks straight into mine. '' You heard me'' Her face was hard. Her eyes were cold. And her demeanour gave away nothing but heartache

'' No!'' I jump up '' Ali! Please! Babe! It was a mistake!'' I beg '' I know I screwed up but please! I need you!''

'' No. Emily, I'm sorry but we're over''

'' No. We aren't over. We can't be over. Please, no...'' I deny. It can't be that easy. No. This can't just be it.

'' I can't be w-''

''I love you Alison Lauren DiLaurentis!'' I interrupt her ''Don't do this to me, to us! I know you still love me, don't do this. I'm begging you'' I throw myself on my knees in front of her (A/N thanks for the idea Drea82581)

'' You're right I do'' she tries to wipe away the tears forming in her eyes '' I love you with all my heart but that's not what this is about'' she steps away from me

'' Then what is it about?'' I ask her as I get up and take a step forward

'' It's about trust, Emily! Dammit! I trusted you! You PROMISED me I could trust you! But you threw it all away and now I don't know if I can't do it again!''

'' I swear it won't happen again. Please you've got to believe me! It was a stupid mistake! In two months I'll be back here and everything will go back to normal!''

'' Yeah right... What about when you go to college in Cali and I stay here in Hollis?'' Her voice gets quieter and she closes her eyes

'' I don't have to go to Cali, Princess. I can stay here and we can make it wo-''

'' No. Emily, you're not throwing away Cali to save a relationship that no longer exists.'' She can't be saying these words to me. This can't be happening. '' When you go to Cali and I'm here, I don't want to have to worry about what you're doing! I don't want to get my heart ripped out by the one I love again!'' I wipe away my tears although it doesn't change anything. She grabs a hold of my hand and we both look down at them as white and brown melt together ''Please. I have to do this... You need to understand that I'm doing what's right for me, Emily! I've experienced way too much pain and I can't take anymore. You need to leave me be. You can't expect me to let you back in after what you did, after I placed all my trust in you. After I gave myself to you. I just can't do it.'' She let's go of my hand and I immediately miss the warmth of hers. I look up into her eyes that had become a light blue that seemed empty compared to her usual electric blue. I feel my heart tighten in my throat as I study the mess I made before me as she tries to remain strong ''You broke too many promises or maybe I just put too much trust in you... Either way, this isn't working like it used to Emily... And I can't take it anymore... We're done''

'' What about the happy ending? The trips to Paris? The dream house? The kids? Growing old together? What about forever?'' I cry

'' They'll still happen. We'll still have all of that. Just not together.''

'' No, no, no!'' I grab her hand and place it against my chest on my heart '' I won't stand by and let you take away the best thing that has ever happened to us! I know I did the worst thing possible and I know it'll take time for you to forgive me but please, don't throw this away... I can't live without you Ali...''

'' Forgiveness is earned Em...'' she shakes her head

'' Then let me earn it! I beg you! I'll do anything and everything! I'll throw a rope around the moon for you! I'll work as hard as possible to give you that dream house that you've always wanted! I'll be your knight in shining armour! Anything! Just please let me try...''

'' Emily... It isn't that simple. I can forgive you eventually, we can stay friends and maybe one day I can trust you again but I'll never be able to trust you enough to let you back into my heart...''

'' Please Ali... Let me back in... Let me spend the rest of our forever making it up to you... Please...'' I grab her in a hug and she tenses up but I just hold on tighter until eventually she relaxes

'' I'm sorry, Emily...'' she pushes away slightly and rest her hands on my chest and I let mine fall to the small of her back. I lean my forehead against hers and closes my eyes as I let the tears drip down my face. '' If we're meant for each other then we'll find our way back. But for the moment. This is goodbye.'' I feel her hand reach and stroke my cheek. I slowly open my eyes and gaze into hers lovingly. I study her every feature carefully, engraving them in my mind. Her blonde locks, her full pink lips, her entrancing eyes, her cute little button nose, her chubby cheeks, her vanilla scent. Everything.

'' This isn't goodbye'' I whisper '' I'll never saying goodbye to you''

I cup her face and lean in. I capture her lips in mine and she doesn't push me away. I move my lips and slowly her lips start to dance along with mine. I run my tongue on her bottom lip and I feel her mouth widen. I seize the opportunity and let my tongue savour this sorrow filled kiss. I can feel the tears running down both our cheeks as we move in perfect sync. I taste the tears of the end on her lips. I feel her cold nose rub against mine. Her hands find their way on my cheeks and she slowly pulls away passing her thumb over my lips. I look at her to see her eyes on my lips. I go back in and she moves her thumb as we share another soulful kiss. My hands find themselves cupping her face again. She grabs them and pulls away.

She looks me in the eye with affliction. She grabs my hand and I feel something hard and cold drop into it but I can't see what it is, she keeps her hand over mine. With her other hand she lifts my head up

'' I'm sorry'' she breathes against my lips before pecking them slightly. She lets go of my hand and runs away from me.

As she disappears, I look down at my hand. And I die. If my heart wasn't already shattered, it was now completely irreplaceable. I fall dawn to the ground, holding my heart Ali had just given back to me.

In my hand I held what represented our love, our happy ending, our forever.

In my hand was the Eiffel Tower necklace.

'' You and me in sweet Paris? How does that sound?''

'' How long are we going away for?''

'' How about forever?''

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