Chapter 47: Baby?

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* a couple weeks later : 11/3/16*

Alison's POV

We've been back at school for a couple of weeks now and I can't help but feel uneasy. Em doesn't send me as many good morning texts as she used to and there have been days where I haven't even received one message from her. It worries me that she's growing more and more distant.

'' Stop worrying'' Hanna says without looking at me

'' What?'' I say baffled

'' I can tell you're worrying about you and Em. Stop.''

'' Guys, she hasn't texted me in more than 24 hours. How can I not worry?'' I shriek

'' Ali, it doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't miss you or love you any less. For all you know, she's just finally fitting in and spending time with some new friends.'' Spencer attempts to comfort me

'' So??? I spend time with you and I think about her every damn second of the day!'' I retort

'' Have you tried texting her first? Maybe she feels like she's suffocating you because she always texts first'' Aria tries

'' Em isn't like that, not with me. She knows how much I love her and she knows that I wait for her texts constantly.'' I look at their confused faces '' Ugh! You guys just don't get it!'' I get up from our lunch table and walk towards Elliot's table where he's sitting with some guys I don't know

'' Scoot!'' I shoo them away and they all immediately leave. People in the school respect me now for other reasons than my attitude so I don't feel too bad when I ask them to move

'' What's up Ali?'' Elliot looks at me perplexed

I put my head down on the table and let out a heavy sigh '' Emmmmm'' I whine

'' What was that?''

I pick myself back up and look at him. He's got nice eyes come to think of it-not the time for this Ali, I scold myself

'' I can feel her slipping away, Eli, and I don't like it. She doesn't call me every day, she hasn't texted me since 2 nights ago and when we do speak she's not'' I pause thinking of how to finish my sentence '' her. She's not her.''

'' Wow... I'm sorry that must suck. I don't wanna say you're over-thinking it because I don't know her very well and yeah from what you're saying I get why you might worry. But I do know she loves you to death and she might just want a little bit of space right now and just explore her new life but I assure you she'll come back to you. From what I've understood that's your thing right?'' he nudges me slightly

'' Yeah'' I chuckle '' I guess you're right'' I huff as I rest my head down on his shoulders

'' Talk to her about it. Communicating is the healthiest thing you can do in a relationship'' he informs me

'' You're reading your psychology books again aren't you?'' I mock

'' Maybe'' he laughs quietly '' But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do what I said''

'' True... I guess there is no harm in trying...''

'' There you go that's the spirit'' he says with fake enthusiasm


* later that day after school*

'' Hey Babe!'' Em says as the Skype call goes through

'' Hey Em'' I smile a little at the sound of her voice

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