Chapter 33: Surprise!

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Alison's POV

I sit back down as I watch Emily sit back down next to Noel. They start talking again and I just watch them in complete awe. Minutes ago, I thought they hated each other and now they look like they are really close friends.

When we kissed though with Emily. Just in that one kiss, I felt every single emotion. It's like she was pouring her heart out in it's entirety to me. With that one kiss, I knew exactly how much I mean to her and how much she means to me.

'' Ali? ALI?'' Hanna snaps me back to reality. Literally she's snapping her fingers in front of me

'' Sorry... what were you saying?'' I apologise

'' We were asking what that was about?'' Spencer enquires

'' To be honest, I have no clue. Probably something Noel said.'' I answer glancing in their direction

'' He's so nice, I don't understand why he doesn't have a girlfriend...'' Aria ponders, oh the irony dear ''Anyways, what happened last night on your date?'' she asks excitingly

'' Told her the truth, she apologised, I apologised. You know the usual we do'' I chuckle. I mean it's true, we are constantly apologising to one another '' Then we kissed, made up, laughed and had a great time'' I smile at the memory

'' Did you...'' Spencer raises her eyebrow

'' Did we what?''

'' Have sex! Stop being a prude Spence and just say it!'' Hanna exasperates

'' I'm not prude just sensitive about my use of words'' Spencer retorts '' But yeah basically what Hanna said''

'' Yes'' I blush

'' Aw! You're blushing that's so cute!'' Aria chirps

'' So how was it?''

'' Honestly Hanna? Amazing! It was all about her last night and it just felt so right! And it was just so passionate and full of love!'' I blush ''We cuddled after and I gave her her gift and I woke up in her arms! It was all so incredible! It's better than what I had pictured!'' I squeal like a little girl

'' What about you, Aria? How's it going with Jason?'' Spencer wonders

'' Umm...'' she hesitates looking at me

'' It's fine Ar, don't worry you can talk even if he is my brother'' I reassure her

'' Well in that case it's going really well! I mean he's being a real gentleman so far and we're still in that honeymoon stage of our relationship which is nice'' she smiles

I feel guilty... I mean Noel likes her and here I am happy that my brother is making her happy. And I feel guilty that I feel guilty. Being a good person really has its downs.

'' Have you-?'' Hanna starts

'' God no! Hanna we started dating 4 days ago! He has yet to take me on a real date and all!'' Aria quickly interrupts

Suddenly I felt someone's hands over my eyes.

'' Guess who?'' a familiar voice whispered to me

'' Cece!!!'' she takes her hands away and I get up and give her a huge hug!

'' I'm so happy to see you! I thought you'd be in Paris by now?'' I'm surprised she's here. She was meant to leave the country

'' I was there but I couldn't leave you on your own! Plus they dropped the case so they won't touch me!'' She says giddily

I don't get why they thought she had something to do with Wilden's death. I mean big deal they met once? like bullshit

She releases me from the hug and looks at the girls

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