Bonus Chapter: Graduation Day

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Emily's POV

I watch as she gracefully takes the stage, shakes the principal's hand and gives the crowd that ever so beautiful smile she has. Those beautiful teeth surrounded by those luscious, pink and kissable lips... Gosh I miss her so fucking much. There have been times where I just wanted to call her up, beg her to leave him behind, beg her to take me back. But I always came to my senses. The only thing I ever want for her is for her to be happy. From what I saw that night, he makes her happy. I was a cunt. I cheated on her, betrayed her trust. Did the worst thing possible... And I'll regret that for the rest of my life. She was, is the love of my life and no one gets over that. Like ever. She walks off stage, her beautiful curls bouncing on her shoulders... I always wonder what it would be like if I hadn't moved or if I hadn't cheated... Where would we be? What would of become of us? These questions keep me up at night and if they don't, my dreams ask them for me and show me various scenarios. I can't let go and I know I should but I don't have the strength in me to do it. I know I wrote in that letter that I was setting her free but that doesn't mean she doesn't still have a hold on my heart... Day by day I try to pry myself free from her grasp and I'm getting there. Well I was till I came back and saw her.

I watch as one by one my best friends take the stage, receiving their diplomas. I can't help but smile proudly. We've been through so much fucking shit. From Alison's bullying to Alison's disappearance and then death, from A haunting us from the shadows to Alison's safe return and the end of A and then to happiest days of our lives. Messing around, being teenagers, with drama, love, joy, laughter, trips, scandals... The best days I have lived so far where nothing was going wrong all I needed and wanted was the girl of my dreams and my best friends by my side.

I open my arms widely as I see my friends come over at the end of the ceremony

'' EM!'' Hanna runs into my arms and immediately hugs me '' Fuck! I've missed you!''

'' I missed you too Han'' I giggle

'' We thought you wouldn't make it'' Caleb says as I remove myself from Hanna's hold and hug him quickly

'' And miss my best friends' graduation?! No way!'' I'd gone a little AWOL since their prom night, not wanting to let anything slip and let them know basically that my heart had been ripped out and that they were unknowingly standing by as it happened. So I get that they might think why I wouldn't show up. ''Loved the speech by the way, Spence!'' I congratulate Spencer as I hug her. She was valedictorian so she made a beautiful speech about over-coming your demons and how there is always a silver lining no matter what. It was honestly beautiful, it actually brought tears to my eyes

'' Hey Aria!'' I wave as I see the short brunette arrive with Jason and another couple '' Hey Jason'' I smile shyly. Ever since the break-up we've grown apart which is a real shame because we were getting along so well. But I guess I deserve it.

'' Hey Emily'' Elliot attempts putting his hand out in front of him

'' Hey Elliot'' I answer dryly '' Alison'' I nod my head at her and she looks at the ground before offering me a small smile

'' Right! So I don't know about you but I'm ready to get wasted!'' Hanna whoops

'' Hanna! My favourite party girl!'' Noel joins in holding hands with Cece... That's new... '' Emily!'' he seems shocked '' Good to see you!'' he hugged me

'' Yeah good to see you too'' I smile as we pull away

'' You'd gone so off grid in the past month, no one thought you'd sh-OW!'' Noel looks at a scowling Cece who had just elbowed him

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