Chapter 5: Stay with Me

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* Hey guys so this one is like 4 500 words! I'm trying to make them all above 1 500 but it's not always easy!!! Im in the middle of writing a chapter which I think deserves 5 000 words so that is taking a lot of time but i'll get there :) I'd really appreciate if you guys left tips and I'm already at over 10 votes within a week so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter xxx  -C *

Spencer's POV

Where are they?! They've been gone for an hour! We're not gonna be able to hold the parents back much longer. We are all in the living room sitting around nervously not making much conversation. The one person we want to talk to is god knows where! Suddenly a phones beeps.

''It's me!'' Aria chirped '' It's Em! They're 5 mins away.''

A general feeling of relief floods  the room. The girls and I go to the front porch to wait for them. The parents stay inside making hot drinks for everyone.

We see them coming and run up to them. Both their eyes are red but Ali's seem to have been painted red. Emily removers her arm from Ali's shoulders. Weird.

''So where are we standing girls?'' I ask hesitantly looking at Emily, looking at a broken Alison DiLaurentis is just something I couldn't see yet.

''Euh, Spence, we're in front of Ali's house! Duh!''

''That's not what she meant Hanna!''

''We are five best friends who have been reunited after a long absence and I'm glad I get to call you my best friends.'' Ali says in a sweet voice as she smiles up at us. Oh... so there in that stage. The stage where you pretend it's all good because no matter what you'll still be friends. As if that ever works... Well this going to be an interesting night.

''Let's have this sleepover then!'' Ali beams eagerly. Maybe this is the best thing for them. For the moment. I don't know about in a month. But whilst Ali is settling back into her Rosewood life she'll need a minimum of peace and calm. And a relationship with Em would probably not start like that giving their extremely rocky past. Plus I don't think Ali coming out would help her back into a somewhat normal life. I mean that girl never had a normal life period. But I know that she's trying to get to that. 

We all headed back inside. Ali gets bombarded with questions by her parents about where they went, how come they took so long. She answers all with poise. Once they had been reassured enough we all say goodnight to our parents and walk them out the door.

''Ok girls, same rules apply. No alcohol. No sneaking off. No funny business. And don't make too much noise. We clear?''

''Yes Mr DiLaurentis!'' we answer in unison

''Goodnight girls!'' Mr and Mrs D tell us

''Night!'' we say as we all file into Ali's room with our bags for the night.

Hanna's POV

I went in my bag and pulled out my essential sleepover necessity.

''Who's ready to party?'' I say rising an eyebrow

''Hanna, you can't be serious. Why did you bring tequila? Mr D clearly said no alcohol!'' Aria never could handle her alcohol that was the main reason and probably only reason for not being okay with this.

''When has this stopped us before? Come on, we don't even have to drink that much! If you want I can hand you the bottle and you can stop us when it gets too much? Okay'' I put the bottle in front of me reluctantly. She grabs it before I change my mind.

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