Chapter 13: When you hold me, it's so powerful

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Alison's POV

I wake up with my head on Emily's chest, I'm curled up in a ball by her side my arm over her stomach. I keep my eyes closed I want this moment to last. I want to soak it all in. I'm so happy right now there's no way for me to explain this. It's everything that I dreamed about and more! I'm so happy we're finally together. I'm never going to lose her again, I won't allow it.

Suddenly I hear whispers

''Awww they look so cute!''

''Keep it down Hanna!''

''Sheesh Spencer calm down''

''Guys I think we should leave before they wake up''

'' But Aria... Look how cute they are!''

This is embarrassing... I open my eyes and stare down the girls, they're trying to push Hanna to the door.

''Seriously girls? What are you doing here?''

'' Shit! Hey Ali! Can you walk straight?'' Hanna giggles and winks

''Wh—? Hanna! We watched Clueless and fell asleep'' I whisper I don't want to wake Em up, I'm surprised she hasn't already to be honest.


''Really Hanna! Now get out!''

'' Sorry'' Aria says as her and Spencer try to push Hanna through the door

'' Oh I get it! morning action you go Ali!!!''

Ok now I'm really getting annoyed '' GET OUT!'' I yell at Hanna throwing a pillow at her

'' Woah what??? What is happening?'' Em wakes with a start. Damn that morning voice is hot! I can't help but bite my lip! She is so sexy!

'' Sorry sweetie... Our stupid best friend is being well herself!''

Emily lets out a light chuckle and looks over to where the girls stand in the door area. Man, even in the morning she looks beautiful, sexy and cute all rolled into one! She gets up all of a sudden and basically runs to them.

'' I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!'' she cries grabbing them all in a tight hug.

''Hey, it's okay... Emily, you're okay'' Spencer tells her whilst Aria strokes her hair. They brake apart. Emily drags them into the room and indicates them to sit on her bed.

'' I'm a fool. I'm so sorry for how I treated you! I didn't mean any of the words I used against you. I just wanted to figure things out and I thought I needed space to do that but I was wrong. I didn't need to figure things out, I knew what I wanted. I was just so scared of it that I didn't allow myself to go with my heart. But still in the process, I said things that were just plain bitchy. I'm so sorry for being a bitch to you and if that ever happens again slap me, but don't send Hanna cause her slaps are very painful'' She laughs although she's teary-eyed, all the emotions she'd been pushing aside for the past couple of weeks catching up to her.

'' We love you, Em. We know that wasn't you. It's okay. Just don't do it again, cause not seeing you everyday is just not right!'' Aria smiles

''Yeah!'' Spencer confirms with a tear rolling down her face

'' Hanna?'' Em looks at her, she hasn't said anything

'' Han, I know I probably hurt you a lot and you have no idea how hard it was for me to say those words. When you left my house that day I cried for 3 hours straight because I'd just done the worst thing imaginable... I'm so so sorry. Team Hannily for the win?'' Em is doubtful. I heard what she told Hanna and it sucked, it really was horrible.

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