Chapter 40: Miss you

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*that scene just gives me too many feels*

*the next Saturday around 11*

Alison's POV

The week had gone by slowly, it was torture. Elliot had integrated the group nicely: he's smart, kind and he's passionate about many things. He got along with the guys better although he still struggled with the sports lingo that apparently is not the same across the pond. Nonetheless, even with the new addition, something was still missing and it would stay like that for a couple of weeks more until I'd get to see that perfectly shaped face and heart again. It was hard. I had finally had the balls to do it, we'd gotten through a rough patch we were finally living our fairytale and then reality brought us back down to earth. I hate reality, it sucks. In my dreams, we're joined at the hip and her parent didn't take her away, she has the cutest promposal ever planned, it's the best night of our lives so far and everything is the way it should be, but real life is never like that. Unfortunately.

'' You spaced out on me, again...''

I look back at my computer screen and grin.

'' What?''

'' Nothing... I just love you'' I admit

Emily's smiles down adorably as she pushes a hand through her hair.

'' I love you too... Ugh I wish I could hug so bad right now! I need my princess!'' she groans pouting

'' Me too, love... But please let's not go down that road, I don't want to put a downer on the rest of the day''

'' Sure'' she agrees '' So what are your plans for later this weekend then?''

'' Well, Elliot's coming to pick me up for lunch, in about like half an hour. I'll show him around Rosewood'' I see Emily pull a small grimace but I decide to ignore it not wanting to have to go through this again. It's only been a week that I've known him and she's already gotten jealous at least 3 times '' And then we're meeting the others up for a movie and then dinner. And then we're having a sleepover at Han's!''

'' Just you, Aria, Hanna and Spencer, right?'' she worries, anxiously biting her bottom lip

'' Of course. Who else?'' I knew the answer but I didn't want it

'' Just thought your new boyfriend would join, that's all'' she mutters

'' Emily! We are not going through this again! He means nothing to me okay? I love you and only you! You should know that by now! Why don't you get how much I love you?'' I protest

'' Because Alison! I'm always going to doubt the way you feel about me! You're just so out of this world and I'm so bland and I hate the fact that you can literally have anyone because you're bi and everyone wants to be with you and you could be with anyone and I know he's no exception! I'm not stupid!'' she rambles rapidly clearly frustrated

'' Em... You are nowhere near bland... you are the most incredible person ever... If anything I should be the one who doubts how I deserved you... I love you okay?''

'' It's just so hard Ali... Everything seems so much harder without you next to me...'' she huffs

'' It's hard for me too...I wish I could kiss you right now. Convince you it's all going to be okay, make you feel how much I love you...'' I look down trying to keep my emotions in check ''You'll be back in a month right? I'll see you then. We'll spend two amazing weeks together, we'll make the most of it and then the prom and the end of year are here and you're back in Rosewood before you know it! We'll get through it. We've been through worse and this isn't what will take us down. I love you, Emily Catherine Fields and don't you dare forget that'' I touch my necklace as I say it, feeling the engraving underneath my skin

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