Chapter 35: Christmas Eve

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*entirely unedited*

*Christmas Eve*

Cece's POV

I knock on the door more than ready to face the music.

Jason opens it '' Hey Cece, it's good to see you again!'' he gives me a small awkward hug, I'm pretty sure it's more awkward for me though...

'' You too Jason!'' I reply as I pull away and walk in to the house

'' Cece! You're here!'' Ali comes rushing down the stairs and gives me a huge hug. She then takes me by the hand and brings me into kitchen were Mr and Mrs Di are finishing up dinner

'' Hello dear'' Mrs Di greets me '' Hello'' Mr Di adds

'' Hello! I hope you don't mind but to thank you all for having me I bought you all gifts'' I say

'' Cece! You didn't have to!'' Mrs Di tells me

'' I just couldn't help myself, it's the least I could do!'' I answer

'' Well thank you! Go and set them down with the others, Ali show her the Christmas tree'' Mr Di grins at me and Ali drags me to the living room

I think I can do this. They're not as bad as before and I think this is actually gonna play out very well! I'm excitingly scared! I'm glad to be with my own, I feel at home, like this is where I belong and not in that other place where I used to be... I hated it there, I felt like a prisoner with the dull walls, the uncomfortable beds, the curfews and lights out rules... ugh!

But this feels so warm, welcoming and safe!

Now I just need to say it... Hopefully, I'll find the right moment.

Once dinner is ready, we sit, eat and share a few good laughs. It all goes great, we remember the time I went with them to Cape May back when I was dating Jason (although we don't bring that up) and of course Ali and I share glances as certain memories from that summer come back to us (gosh it was a close one!)

'' That was delicious!'' I lick my lips as I finish the last of my Christmas pudding

'' Yeah Mum! That was really nice!'' Jason licks his plate like a dog

'' Jason!'' Mr Di protests '' We have company!''

Ali and I laugh and I manage to let out in between laughs '' It's fine really!''

Jason smiles proudly like a kid as he sets his plate down and it's basically squeaky clean.

'' So, Cece how come you aren't spending Christmas with your own family?'' I see Alison throw him a look and Mrs Di throws me a sideways worrying glance. I have to do this. I deserve a family too. They deserve to know. This is my home too.

This is the perfect moment.

Alison's POV

I see Mum tense up slightly beside me as Cece and her exchange a wordless conversation with their eyes.

'' I am spending it with them actually'' she answers softly

'' Cece! That's great! You worked it out with them?'' I exclaim

'' Not exactly. You are my family.''

'' Cece!'' Mum raises her voice

'' That's so sweet, Ce! You know you're like a big sis' to me!''

'' Alison, I am your big sister'' she answers calmly

'' Charlotte!'' Mum warns

'' Charlotte? is that what Cece stands for?'' Jason says confused and to be honest I am too... What the fuck is going on and why does my mum know it?

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