Chapter 38: My Happy Ending Forever

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*sort of edited* 

*also look at them puppy dog eyes on Em/Shay... Making me sad*

*2 days later*

Alison's POV

The alarm finally went off and I immediately turn it off. I was already up. In fact, I had laid awake for most of the night watching the hours slowly go by but at the same time too fast. I had spent the night staring at the goddess next to me. Studying her every feature. She's jaw-dropping and no one could deny that. I gently tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear and lightly caress her cheek. Her eyes slowly flutter open and I lose my self in her engulfing brown orbs before she closes them again, scrunching her nose, not ready to face the day.

'' Quit staring'' she groans

'' Why?''

'' Because it's the morning and I look awful''

'' You could never look awful, you are perfection'' I peck her lips

She wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer to her as I put hand on her hip. She nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck and stays there for a bit. If she doesn't wake up now, she won't budge. I know her.

'' Sweetie... You need to get up. We're leaving in less than an hour.'' I couldn't quite stop my voice from faltering as I realise these are the last hours I'll get to spend with her.

We spent the last two days with the girls and we're all driving her to the airport in my car. But those days went by too fast. We tried to be positive and laugh as much as possible. But for me it made matters worse. Because every time it reminded me that we wouldn't be able to create these sort of memories in merely a couple of hours. That I wouldn't get to see her shake her head as she laughs at something stupid Hanna says. I won't get to see her ask Spencer to explain what her words mean and then laugh at the comments any 4 of us would make about the explanation. I won't get to see her talk so passionately about romance with Aria whilst eyeing me. I won't get to see her. And that just tears my heart apart more and more each time.

'' Ugh...'' she grumbles and lets go of me lying on her back

I get off the bed and head towards the door '' I'll go make us breakfast whilst you get ready, love ok?'' I smile weakly. She sits up on her bed, legs dangling over the side, she pats her lap and I go and sit on her, wrapping my arms around my neck and she secures me by my waist.

She leans her face against mine and presses a kiss on my cheeks, her lips linger making the moment more bitter-sweet than before. Gosh, I don't know what I'm going to do without her. I feel a tear fall across my cheek. I can't do this. I promised myself I'd be strong. I pull away from the kiss, gently pecking her own cheek before jumping off her lap

'' Ali...'' she calls out after me her voice soft

'' I'll go make breakfast! Hurry to get ready! Don't want you to miss your flight!'' I wipe the tear away and run out of the room

I walk out onto the front porch, I try to control my breathing and fight back the tears but it's proving to be a whole lot harder! Goddammit why did I have to let my walls down! Old me would never have cried about this! Fucking hell!

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Brea—

'' Ali?'' I look up in front of me to see our friends and grit my teeth

'' Hey you okay?'' Aria approaches me wrapping her small arm around my back

'' I'm fine'' I spit pulling away. They all stare at me in complete shock. And I realised how I had sounded '' Sorry, its just harder than I even thought'' I whisper, I dab my eyes a little trying to catch the tears and water that had formed in my eyes already '' I promised myself I'd stay strong for the both of us but I don't know how long I can do this'' I throw my hands up in desperation

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