Chapter 26: That girl

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Alison's POV

After this morning's little problem, I decided to have lunch with Noel. Have some us time. Vent. Talk. You know the usual shit best friends do. As much as I love Emily, I needed to just breathe for a second after everything that's happened.

'' So Al... Care to tell me why you and Em we're eating each other's faces this morning?''

'' What?!''

'' You had sex didn't you'' it wasn't even a question but still I was confused as to how he'd guessed '' A couple are even more lovey dovey after their first time together it's a known fact!'' he laughs

''What that's so not true!'' I scoff, that's seriously a ridiculous idea

'' Fine... That might not be but I know you and Emily did it!'' he points out... I just look down at my lunch and pretend not to hear anything. I wasn't like this before about sex but this is me and Em... It's special, it has meaning

'' Come on, Al! Why don't you just tell me?!'' he lightly punches my shoulder

'' Fine. We did it and it was magical now can we please move on!'' I mutter really fast under my breath

'' I knew it!!! and 'magical' heyyyy'' he laughs dragging out the hey

'' If you don't know how to be serious then I won't talk about it!'' I affirm

''Fine. Let me put my serious face on.'' his smirk actually disappears and becomes a serious expression '' Ok. So Alison, how was it?'' I can tell he means it

'' It was breath-taking... It wasn't just sex and listen to how cheesy I'm about to be! Be ready? You ready?'' I ask gleefully as he nods rapidly '' We made love!'' I exclaim but not too loud I mean we are in school '' It wasn't just physical''

'' Wow!'' he utters '' That does sound amazing...  Being able to be there like that with someone you love'' he smiles and seems to be lost in thought as he looks past my shoulder

I snap him back to reality '' Earth to Noel!''

'' Sorry!'' he says, his eyes filled of... hope and love???

'' Noel... did you just zone out on me... about a girl???'' I finish, I quickly turn around to see who he was looking at but the only table in that direction is the one with the girls at it

'' WHAT??? No!'' he reacts too quickly, I face him again

''Come on! I know there's a girl there! You need to tell me who she is!''

'' I won't!'' he replies

'' Fine... At least describe her to me'' I plead

'' Sure... I guess there's no harm in that.'' he hesitates '' Where shall I start let's see...'' he deliberately takes him time and taps his chin as if deep in thought

''Duuude! Come on!'' I force him

'' Ok! Ok! So she is really pretty! A lot of people say she kinda has a baby face but I find she has a charm and that just adds on to it... I won't describe her much cause then you'll find out who she is'' I gave him my best pout

'' Nope sorry! That might work with Emily but not me! Ok, I'll tell you two more things I like about her. She has a secret talent that not many know about: she sings like an angel. And she doesn't let others opinions get in her way. Oh! One more thing! She's got a huge heart!!!'' he grins from ear to ear '' Ok so that was 3 more things but yeah!''

'' Wow... Look at my little Nono all grown up and having feelings and shit!'' I giggle he looks at me with a mock face of disappointment '' Sorry... Well, Noel, she seem like an awesome girl! I hope you grow a pair one day to do something about it!''

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