Chapter 15: Against Happiness

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*sorry but that edit is just too funny!  :p  ENJOY!!! *

Aria's POV

I get up from the lunch table '' Hey, I just realised I forgot to ask Em something for some History homework we have! I'll catch you guys later! Bye!'' I say waving at them, running after Emily. Hanna and Spencer most likely know what I was up to so they'll keep Alison busy. I feel so sorry for Em though. We went too far. But we had to check in with her. We didn't want her to feel like she couldn't talk to us about her feelings because that's what she did the first time and it didn't go well for any of us...

I look for her everywhere. I go to the swimming pool, the gymnasium, the restrooms, she's nowhere  to be found. I walk past the library. I doubt she'll be in here, but it's worth a shot. I go in. I'm walking through the shelves when I see long tanned legs sticking out of and aisle. No doubt, those super model legs are Emily's. I walk over to her.

'' Hey'' I say gently '' Watcha reading?'' she looks up at me

'' Great Expectations'' she smiles. I remember at the sleepover, when her and Ali were laughing about the book together. I piece the puzzle together

'' It's your thing isn't it?'' I slide down next to her. She nods slightly tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes. It tears me apart to see Emily like this. I wrap my arm around her and let her rest her head on my shoulder.

'' It's okay, Em. I got you'' I hold her for a few minutes, neither of us saying a word. She's stuck her neck out so much for Ali already. But Ali needs time to understand this new situation and to get used to it. '' I know you're scared Em. Just remember that Ali loves you. She still needs to understand and get used to finally having the girl of her dreams there for her. She's so lucky to have you, Emily, and I'll bet you anything she can't believe she got so lucky! Give her a bit more time to process it.''

'' I'm sorry I overreacted. It's just having her so close to me and having to restrain myself from being with her... It got unbearable. I mean you know how that feels right?'' Yeah I remember. I remember when I dated my teacher who also happened to be the ex of my 'dead' best friend and who was really just writing a book about her and us. I nod. '' I just wanted so bad to kiss her. Or even just hold her hand but I can't. And it kills me. But you're right it's only been a couple of days... She'll tell people soon enough right?''

'' Yeah I'm sure she will!'' I voice

'' Does Ali think something's up?'' Emily worries

'' No don't worry we told her something about you finding out you couldn't be in the swim meet this Friday because Coach wanted to make sure you'd made a full recovery'' I say brightly

'' I need to make it up to her. I still haven't apologised to her about the things I've said for the past two weeks. Every time I try she just cuts me off, she says it's fine but it's not. What do I do, Aria?''

'' Show her. Don't tell her. Show her. Take her out for dinner or something.'' She gazes up at me brightly.

'' That's such a great idea! Thanks! Have I ever told you you're awesome?!'' I laugh and get up pulling her with me

'' Now come on, we've got to get to class and then we can organise that dinner. Okay? ''

'' Okay. Thanks for everything, Aria'' I smile at her and we head out the library and back to class


* a day later around 6pm*

Emison: PromisesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora