Chapter 48: Apologies

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A/N: In case you were wondering, the picture is Quinn

* the next morning: 12/03/16*

Alison's POV

I can't believe she just hung up on me like that last night. I cried myself to sleep because I just felt so plain awful. Mainly because what she said last night and what she didn't say. She'd just hung up on me. No 'I love you', no 'I'll call you back', no ' I miss you'. Nothing. Even when we argue, she always says something sweet before hanging up. It's just how she is, she hates leaving things on a sour note. But I also cried out of guilt. I get it. She's right why don't I trust her? She's already proved to me so many times that I can. But for some reason, I can't. I can't bring myself to fully trust her. I don't know why. I mean yes, in the past, I've had experiences where I've lost all my faith in people but she was never the cause of any of that. If anything, she was always the reason why I found the strength to trust people again.

I take my phone out and go to Emily's name in my messages

AD: I'm so sorry Emily about the way I reacted last night. It was way out of line and you're right I have no reason to question you. I trust you, I do. It's the others I don't trust.

Ten minutes later and she still hasn't answered

AD: I hate when we fight. Please, love. I'm so so so so so sorry. I miss you and I'm going crazy without you here. Please, baby. I love you

Five gnawing minutes have gone pass and still nothing. Oh my god... I fucked up I fucked up I fucked up I fucked up I fucked up. She's gonna break up with me. I was being too needy and desperate. Such an unattractive quality. Oh my god she's just gonna ignore me and-My thoughts are interrupted by phone ringing in my hand. I immediately press answer

AD: Em? I breathe out, barely above whisper

EF: It's me, Ali

AD: I'm so sorry Emi-

EF: No hey don't okay. It's fine really. I understand. Don't apologise it's alright

That's weird... just yesterday she was entirely losing her shit over this and now she's apologising to me. What?!?!?! I want to question her but I know now is not the time

AD: I want to though...

EF: It's fine Alison... Don't worry about it

AD: Stupid hormones I grumble I get mood swings all the time and I'm sorry that it just happened to be when I called you

EF: Ali, it's fine. Don't worry. It's not your fault. It's normal to worry about these things. I get it ok? You following the doctors orders?

AD: Yeah but I'm really missing my caffeine

EF: Haha... Of course you are. Listen, I need to go. I'll call you later ok?

AD: ok. Love you

EF: yeah... um Love you too Ali. bye

Okay now that was definitely weird... Why did she hesitate? Why did she seem in such a hurry?

Ok no! Alison. Calm down. Breathe. She loves you ok. Relax. Chill. It's all good. Nothing is wrong. You're just over thinking things.

I really need to get my mind off of her. I unlock my phone again and scroll through my contacts and start to type

AD: Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to revise Maths together today?

ER: Yeah sure. Who else is coming?

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