Chapter 6: The snuggle struggle

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* Hey guys so this update is coming earlier than planned because I got to a 100 reads and @sarahmichael1234 requested it! And because it was the first update request I decided I'd let you have it 2 whole days early!!!! Lucky you hey?!!!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! it's more of a filler but I feel like it's essential to understand the girls friendship!

xxx -C *

Emily's POV

''Humhum HUM!!!''

I open my eyes with a jolt. Hanna, Spencer and Aria are staring at me with their eyes open wide.

''Again... what is it now?'' Their eyes follow my arm down to my hand. Shit!!!

I have my arm wrapped around Ali's waist and ams snuggled into her, our fingers  intertwined... I look up at them alarmingly!

''Ok... did we miss something within the last like 10 hours?'' Hanna jokes

I slowly move my arm out trying not to wake her.

''I didn't do it on purpose I swear. I didn't even know I was in that position! How long have we been like that?'' I ask completely surprised, I sit up in the bed

''Well we've all kind just woken up 5 mins ago to see you two... you know'' Aria whispers pointing her finger at us almost as if she can't say it aloud

''Crap! At least she's not awake... This could have been worse'' I say getting out of the bed

''What could have been worse?'' Ali's eyes flutter open. Damn! She has the sexiest morning voice ever! Control yourself Emily!

''The hangover from Hanna's tequila! We're all actually feeling alright.'' Thank God, Spencer's smart and good at her thinking on her feet

''Oh yeah! That's true... I don't have a headache'' Ali observes. That morning voice. So sexy and yet so sweet! Come on Em! Move on already!

''I'm gonna start preparing breakfast'' I say heading for the door

''Em its like 2 o'clock'' Ali looks at me suspiciously

''Brunch then! I'll make likes eggs bacon and pancakes!'' I say rushing out of the room.

I mindlessly walk into the kitchen. I need to stop making a fool of myself. Let this one slide after all it was the first time in 2 years we're together again all of us. I need to move on though. And I will, I know it. I just need to be detached from her for a bit whilst not making it weird between us. Great... How am I suppose to do that?

I open the fridge and start making the batter. I hear footsteps rushing down the stairs.

''What the hell was that Em?'' Hanna throws her hands up in the air

''What was what? '' I ask as innocently as possible

''Don't try that with me Em! I get you want to move on but don't start acting all weird around her''

''I'm sorry okay? I panicked. It won't happen again, I don't think.''

''Good. Just calm down and be the Emily Fields we all love and know.'' I smile at her, I'm so lucky to have her as my best friend and then she killed the sentimental mood by being Hanna. ''So when do you think food will be ready? '' I let out a light laugh.


''Awesome! I'll go get the girls!'' She runs up the stairs taking them two by two when I hear a thud.

''I'm okay!!!'' She yells out across the house, I start laughing extra loudly just so she'll hear me. I swear that girl would do anything for food.

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