Chapter 19: Against Reason

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Emily's POV

*pound pound pound pound pound pound*

Ugh... shit... I slowly wake up not opening my eyes at all, knowing the hangover will just get worst... Shit... How drunk was I last night? Why the fuck do my knuckles hurt?! I lay there for 10 mins not moving and slowly adjusting to the pounding. I start to open my eyes, still holding my covers over me so that I have a minimum to protect my eyes.

Ah! Crap! That hurts! I blink rapidly, easing the pain away. I stick my head out a little and see water and two pills on my nightstand. How'd that get there?! Please don't tell me Mum knows... I am so screwed... I take the pills and swallow huge gulps of water and then hide back under the covers.

'' Hey Sweetie... You up yet?'' a soft voice asks, I turn to face my mum as she sits gently on the bed. ''What time did you get home last night? I didn't hear you come in?'' Wait she didn't? Then how the hell did I land in my bed! I am so confused and clearly my mum's noticed too '' What's wrong Emily?'' shit

'' Oh I was just trying to remember what time but I don't know I guess around 1?'' I say trying to ignore the noise in my head and the genuine confusion about everything. She clearly hasn't noticed my hangover and I need to cover that.

'' Ok... well that explains why you slept so late then'' I look over at my alarm clock... yikes! Half past twelve already!

'' I guess so'' I answer tiredly... the pounding in my head suddenly gets louder as if its real. It's insanely loud! '' Ugh!'' I protest hiding back under the covers. It's so loud! Come on drugs kick in! make the pain go away!

'' Well I guess I'll go and open the door then since you're clearly planning on staying here for a while'' my mum jumps up off my bed and heading downstairs

So wait the pounding isn't in my head anymore? nice! Wait who would be at the door though?

'' EMILY! ITS FOR YOU!!!'' Mum yells! Shit! I wish she hadn't done that!!! My ears ring now although my headache is slowly diminishing. Thank you Paracetamol! Who the hell would come and see me?! All the girls should be recovering at their houses! I know how Hanna gets at a party, Aria probably got wasted to forget Fitz and Spencer was most likely having her own after-party with Toby somewhere.

Alison's POV

God! I am so nervous as I get dressed. This can go two ways and I really hope it only goes one. The other possibility would just be too unbearable for me!

I jump in my car and make a stop in the centre of town. I head into the Brew and order two coffees to go when I see a short brunette wearing sunglasses sipping on a jumbo coffee.

''Aria?'' I beam

'' Shshhshh! Ali! not so loud... Please'' Aria begs

'' I take it someone had a little too much last night'' I smirk

'' Yeah... I only understood your text this morning when I was somewhat awake... Although I'm still actually a walking zombie...'' she groans '' But yeah it's okay Ali... but it's her that you should be saying that too''

'' I tried last night but obviously she was out of it so I don't think she remembers plus I stopped it short because she was losing it''

'' Ok so what you gonna do now then?''

'' Two coffees for Ali?'' the barista calls out

'' I'm gonna sober her up and tell her again and again and again and again till I know for sure she knows what she means to me and how sorry I am for all of it'' I smile

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