Chapter 4

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Sae-Young's POV

It's been a couple days since Taehyung helped me with catching Chopa and walked me back to the hospital. Though the time we spent together was short, I can't help but be curious about the man. If my father's taught me anything, it's to look beyond the facade. During our walk, when I looked into his eyes, I saw something being locked away. But I felt it would be wrong to intrude on something that wasn't my business. Deep down in my heart, it kept telling me to talk to him again. It was screaming "Taehyung is more than he appears."

That night when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were on the chocolate coloured haired man, specifically a black tattoo behind the lobe of his ear. If I recall correctly, the tattoo was a pair of trapezoids, where the short sides faced each other vertically. I have never seen a tattoo like that before, it was odd seeing it on a young man like Taehyung. The design only raised more questions in my head. There must be a purpose behind the marking, but should I risk my safety with investigating?

I sighed, shaking my head as I was organizing the files in Eun-Lee Unnie's filing cabinet. I shouldn't be worrying about things like that when I have exams coming in a month and a half; I need to focus on that before I do anything irrational. Only heaven knows what I would do if I got caught in something that I couldn't swim out of. It's happened once before, I'd rather not have it happen again.

"Dongsaeng?" Unnie called from the back rooms.

"Yes, Unnie?" I answered, following the sound of her voice.

I walked into the kennels, finding Unnie crouched in front of a border collie. The black and white puppy looked drowsy since he had been under an anesthetic for an hour and a half. Adam was spayed and neutered earlier, and we left him to wake up in a large kennel. It was quite adorable, his pink tongue peeking out from his muzzle. His eyes blinked slowly, still waiting for the sedatives to wear off.

"Do you mind letting Adam out into the lawn?" she asked. "The warm weather will help him recover."

"Of course," I nodded.

Unnie stepped out of the way, allowing me to pick up Adam into my arms. The drowsy pup licked my chin tiredly, along with sniffing my neck with his wet nose. Chopa pawed at my feet, wanting to play with her new friend. She trotted alongside me, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I set Adam down into the grass, allowing him to wander around on his own. Chopa followed the male as he stumbled into a clay pot, filled with red tulips. I managed to stifle a chuckle, helping Adam back on his paws. A smile was apparent on my face as Chopa stuck by his side, rubbing her head against his fur coat.

I was about to go back inside to finish up cleaning Unnie's cabinet until I heard someone call my name. Looking towards the gate, an unexpected smile pulled on my lips. I walked towards the gate, happy to see him again.

"Taehyung," I greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just taking a walk," he smiled, his lips forming into a box. "And I wanted to see you again."

My heart started beating really fast, hearing the sweetened words coming from his lips. The only thing I could really do was let him in through the gate, quickly so that Adam and Chopa would run away. Locking the gate, I sat beside Taehyung who was sitting inside the hospital, on the green couch.

I found him looking around the interior of the hospital, admiring the decorations and pictures in the white coloured calls. A shy smile tugged at my lips when he looked at me with soft eyes.

"What have you been up too?" he asked playfully.

"Just studying for my exams and taking care of the animals that pass through our doors," I answered, peeking over my shoulder to check on the pups outside.

"You sound pretty busy," he chuckled.

"You have no idea..." I sighed, with a dry chuckle myself.

I leaned back against the green couch, fiddling with the hem of my skirt. I don't think it would be right to tell Taehyung about my problems. The bullying, the stress of the youngest doctor in the university, and working with Unnie, along with the fact I'll never see my brother again. He has his own life to live, he shouldn't have to worry about mine. Taehyung didn't think so; he hunched towards me, looking at me with concerned black eyes. His eyes were screaming at me that it would be okay to tell him, but I was just too afraid.

"It's nothing Taehyung, I'm okay," I said, attempting to fake a smile.

Taehyung didn't say anything, but he placed his hand on my head, patting it. His eyes said it all: "Whatever it is, it'll get better."

This time a genuine smile graced my lips, dimples forming at my cheeks. I melted against his warm touch as he pulled me into an unexpected hug. My head rested comfortably against his chest, allowing me to inhale the scent of his cologne. His hands held the small of my back keeping me close. Taehyung's words were laced with promise as he spoke.

"If you ever need to talk, I'll be here to listen." 

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