Chapter 40

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A firm hand shook me out of my pained sleep. I found myself against the headboard, sitting up straight, but my neck was leaning to the side. When I tried to move it, a sharp pain stiffened my neck further forcing me to hiss. Slowly opening my eyes, I found Taehyung looking at me. His eyes were big, round and innocent, although they were still puffy from earlier. Tae reached towards my face, stroking my cheek with his fingers. I gave him a tired smile, holding his hand in mine.
"Are you okay Taehyungie?" I asked in a drowsy voice.
I sat up completely, or at least tried to; when I tried to move my back, I winced at the harsh stiffness in my spine. Taehyung frowned at my pain. He crawled towards me on his hands and knees. Tae slipped behind me, pulling me back into his chest. His hands gripped the space between my neck and shoulders and began to massage them gently. My body tensed up slightly at first, but I felt my muscles relax under his touch. A heavy breath fell from my lips, finally being able to move my neck and back freely.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around my torso, pressing into my chest. He leaned forward, burying his face into my hair and neck. His heavy breath brushed against my skin but lingered there. Just sitting here, I could feel his worries seep through his breathing. They were saturated with fear and anxiety, making my heart shake with sympathy. I can relate to him full heartedly; it was after my parents passed away. I was practically drowning in darkness, constantly worrying and fearing what was going to happen. Taehyung started shaking, the vibrations touching my body. Reaching up, my placed my hand on his bare arm, trying to comfort him.
"Baby... What's wrong?" I asked in a whisper, running my hand along his arm. "I'm worried about you."

I felt Taehyung let out a deep breath, tickling the side of my neck. His told tightened around me, pulling my body back further.
"I'm scared Sae... I'm scared that they'll take me away..." he confessed while his body shook. "That I'll be forced to leave Hyungs, Jungkook, Noona, Chopa, and you."
"Who? Who's going to take you?" I questioned cautiously.
A pained sob fell from his lips, and tears began to soak into my hair. I managed to turn around, sitting on his lap while facing him. I let him bury his face into my chest, crying out his sorrow and fears. The back of my shirt became bunched up in his shirt, feeling it fold up slightly. I wrapped my arms around his torso, bringing him in closer. My hand caressed his head in a slow, but comforting manner. I didn't want to push him; he was in an unstable state, and I feared if I went too far, that would set him off into a panic attack. For what seemed to be hours, my room was filled with Taehyung's pained sobbing and uneven gasps for air. At this point, he was so broken; his mind was cracked, his physical state was on the verge of collapsing. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to fix him and help him back onto his feet. It scared me too, that Taehyung was going through a hard time, and I might not be able to help him.
"Breath Taehyung," I whispered gently, rocking him back and forth slowly. "Deep breathes... Take your time..."

His chest movements began to gradually slow down, I felt his rib cage lift, and depress. Taehyung took in deep breathes, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out. He repeated this multiple times until his breathing rate returned to normal. His sniffling still remained, but it was only natural. I continued to drag my fingers along his silky smooth hair, feeling every single individual strand.

Taehyung's nose pressed against my collarbone, and I tried to hold back a mewl. Soon enough, I did let one out; his lips were pressing firmly onto my skin and moved agonizingly slow. I accidentally clutched his hair when he bit into my skin, making breathy gasp leave my mouth. His tongue made an appearance, licking the new hickey on my throat. He hovered over my Adam's apple, a hot breath dancing along with it.
"People who are posing as my parents..." he huffed against my neck. "They're trying to take me away."
"Were you..." I whispered.
Taehyung nodded against my neck, his hair tickling my jaw.
"I was adopted yeah," he answered a little unsteadily. "The thing is, I don't remember being adopted, I thought I was born into that household. The way I found out was through sneaking through the study, and finding adoption papers with my name on them, after I heard them talking about it." 

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