Chapter 31

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Third Person's POV
Sae-Young sat in the living room, with Chopa sleeping on her lap. She watched with curious eyes as the members of Bangtan, EXO, Got7 and Stray Kids were rushing around the house. She had never seen this many people gathered in the mansion, it was a sight to behold. The men were all dressed in similar fashions, clad in black leather, shirts and pants. They weren't wearing any shoes, but a large pile of boots had accumulated in the foyer. She witnessed multiple people pull on black gloves, and secure masks around their faces before pulling them down. Sae-Young was aware that they were going to execute a dangerous mission. What it was, she wasn't sure.

When she walked into the house, she was greeted by a couple EXO members. She learned their names quite easily and remembered them when she saw their faces. Baekyun and Chaneyol were very nice to her, adoring the girl, but being cautious of Namjoon's warning, as well as Taehyung's fury. Those two, along with the members of Bangtan wouldn't be happy if they tried anything. Sae-Young had asked them why there were so many people inside the house, but they only told her that they were going on a mission. They didn't want her to worry about what they were getting themselves into.

The entire day, she hadn't been able to talk with her brothers or Taehyung. They have been too busy preparing for the mission to spark up a conversation. However, Namjoon had messaged her that she could bring Chopa home to keep her company while a couple people also stayed behind to protect her. While she did bring a bag of dog food for the pup, and a couple toys, the only thing Chopa wanted to do at that moment was nap.

Upon running her hands along Chopa's back, a couple familiar faces came up to her. She recognized the first person as Han, the young boy who gave her the mafia tattoo. While she got the tattoo, he was kind and encouraging. She recalled that he had a nice smile and master level skills in handling his tattoo gun. The second face she recognized, but she didn't catch his name before he ran out of the restaurant screaming in an Aussie accent. Jungkook had called him a friend, and she could see that he was a kind soul.

"Hi, Noona!" Han greeted with a smile.

"Oh hi Han, and...?" she asked, turning to the other boy.

"I'm Felix," he said with a grin. "It's nice to meet you Noona."

"These two are going to stay with you kid," Namjoon interjected, coming beside me to ruffle my hair. "Sorry, we couldn't talk much today."

"It's okay Joon," she shook her head. "You're busy, I understand."

Soon, everyone was gathered in the foyer, pulling on their black combat boots. Namjoon was briefing everyone about the plan, and everyone was listening intently, including Sae-Young. As she stood in front of the two young boys who were going watch over her, she carried a half-asleep corgi in her arms, but slowly pieced the puzzle together. They were either going to raid a casino or take back a casino. Judging from how heavily armed they were, they were planning to put up a heck of a fight. She was aware of how strong they were, and how they would always have each other's backs, but she couldn't help but worry about their safety. Though it was her job as a doctor, she didn't want a friend to come in through the doors, slowly dying. She didn't want someone she cared about to die in her care.

The leader had directed the three other groups outside to load up into their vans and head off to their location. The others piled out of the mansion, leaving Bangtan, Sae-young, Chopa, Han and Felix inside. Bangtan knew they needed to reassure Sae-young that they would be fine. They knew she would be worried about them because she was that kind of soul.
"We'll be back, hopefully around midnight," her brother told her, pecking the top of her head. "If we're not, then just go straight to bed, you have school tomorrow."

One by one, the boys said their goodbyes to Sae-Young, performing a brotherly gesture; ruffling her hair, patting her head, etcetera. When it came to Taehyung, he pulled his girlfriend into a tight hug, kissing her cheek.
"Please be careful all of you," she scolded, receiving nods as a reply.

When the door closed, Han and Felix tried to cheer her up. They knew she would be worried for the rest of the night, they didn't want her to not get any sleep.
"Noona, why don't we play a few games?" Felix asked. "Han-ssi brought Jenga and Uno. Jungkook Hyung told us we could play some of his games as well."
She nodded.

As they sat down around the coffee table in the living room, Sae-Young began to worry about them when Han was shuffling the Uno cards. Chopa noticed her behaviour, and stood up on her hind legs and began to lick Sae-Young's chin. She always does this when she's upset or worried. Han and Felix noticed this too.
"Hyungs will be alright Noona," Han reassured me. "They'll take care of each other."
"I can't help but worry..." She muttered, tucking her chin into Chopa's head. "I get this from my mom, but I have a bad feeling about tonight."
"I do too," Felix added.

Sometimes her feelings were right, sometimes they were wrong. It hasn't gotten to the point where its predictions are always correct. Even if it was out of wack, a shroud hung over the girl, warning her that something was going to happen.

Really quick, it was so weird to write "Jungkook Hyung."

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