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Two years later...

Taehyung and I have been waiting almost a year for this and today was finally the day. As Hobie curled my now grown out hair and Jihee Unnie dabbed makeup onto my face, I played with the engagement ring on my ring finger. I remembered the day Taehyung gave this to me with all my heart. It was my nineteenth birthday and Taehyung wanted to spend time with me in the garden behind the mansion after the celebration. He walked right beside me down the cobble stepping stones, our hands linked together firmly. We approached the gazebo, where fairy lights lit up the space. The pleasing scent of the rose bushes surrounding the gazebo was strong, perfect for the occasion. A smile graced my lips as I rested my head on his shoulder while we walked up the three steps, setting foot on the pristine white gazebo. We took a seat on the black bench, staring up at the stars in the November air.

It was a month before Christmas, but it seemed that it was still summer night. The air was between warm and chilly, lukewarm almost. We took full opportunity of the beautiful winter and spent that night outside. Taehyung booped the tip on my nose with the pad of his finger, a playful chuckle leaving his lips. In return to his baby-like action, I pecked his jaw, my own bubbly giggle coming out.
"I can't believe your nineteen, love," he chimed. "I also can't believe we only met seven months ago, and we're already madly in love with each other."
"It was love at first sight," I agreed. "I knew that you were special, I have a knack for feeling that kind of thing."
Taehyung smiled, gifting me with a smooch on my cheek.

My boyfriend had slipped off of the bench momentarily, before crouching down in front of me. He had placed his hands on both of mine, before moving them on top of my knees. Taehyung had the sweetest look in his eyes, that adoration and love filled eyes that made me soft every time I looked at them.
"I haven't given you your gift yet," he spoke mischievously.
"You don't have to Taehyung," I shook my head.
Taehyung only smiled wider, upholding that beautiful flame in his eyes.
"I promise you Sae-Youngie, that night back in the mansion and the other night in the safe house," he attempted to remind me.

It took me a few seconds to recall what he was talking about, but it eventually clicked in my mind. We had made that promise to each other while in bed, right after we gave everything to each other, as well as that night in the safe house, where he thanked me for being there for him after learning the truth. I remember the sincerity in his tone, as well as mine. We were destined to be with each other, it was more than just a feeling. I promised I would marry him, and he promised me the same thing.

But it still got me when he got onto one knee and pulled out a crimson red box. I was utterly speechless, my shaky hand hovering over my mouth. Tears were flowing down my cheeks, pure joy and happiness fuelling them.
"Kim Sae-Young, will you marry me, and be mine forever?" he asked, opening the box to reveal a silver ring with a single diamond embedded into the metal.
I could only muster a nod, and lean forward to engulf him in a tight hug.

"There, all done," Hobie smiled, leaning forward with his hands on my shoulder. "You look absolutely beautiful, especially on a day like this."
"I've been waiting so long for this," Unnie chuckled, setting down her makeup brushes. "It's about time you two got married."

Eun-Lee Unnie came into the room as well, struggling to carry her own wedding dress through the doorway. To get ready for our wedding, I got my dress on, while she got her hair and makeup done, then we switched. To me, it looked like she was walking through three feet of snow, trying not to step on her pure white dress. Both of us were getting married today, and we wanted to make sure it was special. Jihee had designed both of our dresses and was super excited to do so. She was literally fangirling as she saw both of our engagement rings. It took her months to perfect her designs, but she didn't mind spending nights sewing and stitching white fabric.

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