Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV
"Taehyung ah, no being naughty," Hyung warned me, taking a seat on his couch beside Jungkook's couch.
"Hyung," I gasped in shock. "When have I ever been naughty?"
"Do I really need to go there?" he shot back, pointing behind his ear.

I signed in embarrassment, rubbing the back of my neck. At that moment, I did give Sae-Youngie a hickey that had lasted her entire stay. But I didn't want her to constantly worry about her uniform, I was going to order a new one for her anyways- one that I will give her tomorrow. I thought that would have been the best way possible to pull her mind away from the articles of clothing. I don't think she minded me kissing her in a sensitive spot behind her ear. But the way she mewled my name in a tiny voice, gosh I wanted to hear it again. However, I have no choice but to control myself, for now, Hyung and Kook are here.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jungkook asked, half asleep, his body falling off the couch,
"Nothing," Jin sighed, walking over to the maknae, helping him back up onto the couch, fixing his pillow and blanket. "Tae, go get some sleep."
"Okay Hyung," I nodded. "Good night!"

Sae-Youngie had gone to bed an hour and a half before us. Well, Hyung forced her to get some shut-eye; he was made aware of her evaluations tomorrow, and he pretty much understands how difficult is. She was hesitant, but we all reassured her that she would do well, perhaps better if she got extra sleep. Sae-Youngie surrendered and headed off to sleep.

This gave us time to talk to just the three of us. We talked about things like the situation back home, specifically how we were going to talk to Namjoon. We had all agreed that it was unnecessary for him to raise his voice at us and that we were all hurt by his tone and how he had almost made the move to strangle his own sister. I couldn't believe that Namjoon thought it was alright to kill a woman in that instance, he was more compassionate than that. But everyone had their dark side, even us three.

I also brought up the situation between Sae-Young and Namjoon. From the way he stopped to look at Sae-Young, guilt filling his eyes and his voice growing weak at the sight of her. I don't know how I didn't see it before, but they could pass off as twins, fraternal twins. They practically looked the same. Anyways, we were all confused with how they hadn't been in contact for four years; he didn't tell us, but we could pick up on the fact that they are siblings.

Namjoon would never show that kind of emotion he did to Sae-Young to us. He definitely has a soft spot for her, and I could understand why; he practically adores her. Not only that, but she's the only blood he has left. He changed in a way I have never seen before, practically shrinking in his spot. We have never seen him being driven into a corner by a female, much less his sister. To be honest, I was practically scared when he carried Sae-Young up the stairs and ordered us to stay in the foyer. What was he going to do to her? But when he came out, his shirt was soaked and I could assume he embraced her as she cried. I could only let out a soft breath of relief, knowing that he didn't hurt her.

Then there was also the issue of Sae-Young being bullied at school. When I brought it up, Jin's and Jungkook's faces were twisted in disdain and anger. They have grown to like and care for Sae-Young as if she was a sister towards them, and I could understand that they were quite angry. None of us have thought it was that bad, that is would leave bruises on her milky skin. We all wanted to do something, anything to stop her from being bullied again. We even considered telling Namjoon about this as well. It made my blood boil, seeing Sae-Young in a weakened state; but I knew she couldn't fight back, she is a doctor, not a ruthless mafia member like me, or my other brothers. She's too sweet and meek to raise her fists. We had decided that when we were ready to head back, we're bringing this to light, and making sure Namjoon gets wind of this. I know he's going to do something, he's her brother after all.

I walked into Sae-Young's room, quietly closing the door behind me. The only light seeping into the room was from the window, shining on Sae-Young's beautiful face. She was sleeping peacefully, engulfed in the duvets of her bed while cradling a medium sized Bulbasaur plush toy closely to her chest. I smiled sheepishly at her cuteness and sauntered over to her bed. I slowly lifted the blanket, slipping under the covers, scooting closer to her. While I was adjusting the duvet, pulling it up and over the two of us, I felt the bed shift.
"Tae...?" Sae-Young whispered in a sleepy voice.
I laid down, draping my arm over her small body. I quickly pecked her forehead, resting my chin on her head.
"Shh..." I hushed quietly. "It's okay, go back to sleep."

Sae-Youngie's breathing steadied, meaning she had quickly gone back to sleep just as fast as she had woken up. I smiled gingerly as she snuggled into my chest, still holding her plush toy. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, keeping her close as humanly possible. I wanted to drape my leg over her waist, but I couldn't; her right hip was bruised and I didn't want to hurt her further.

I laid beside her comfortably, admiring her perfect features. Sae-Youngie's lips were the perfect shade of pink, a beautiful shade that caught my attention the moment we met. The way they were parted was practically begging for me to engulf her lips in a hot kiss, make her breathless and such. Long, naturally curled eyelashes added to the beautiful charcoal black of her eyes. She drew me in with her innocent expressions when she caught up to Chopa. Her skin was silky smooth, not a blemish in sight.

It wasn't just her beautiful eyes or lips, it was her personality. She's sweet, lovely, and overall perfect. She cares so much for her loved ones, being Eun-Lee Noona, me, Jin, Jungkook, and I hope Namjoon. Sae-Youngie is the perfect girl I have been looking for all my life. Never have I thought I would find a girl I could spend the rest of my life with at such a young age, but here I am, my first love sleeping soundly in my arms. Jungkook, Hyung and even Noona know that I'm madly in love with Sae-Young, they practically teased me while she was still sleeping in my room back at the mansion. But they were happy for me, after all, we are all looking for love. Sae-Young, I hope accepts me for who I am, and what I am; as a human being, as a mafia kin. My heart believes that she loved me back, and I want to hear her say it.

It would make me the happiest man in the world, hearing my first love say those three words.

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