Chapter 13

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The next morning I left as early as I could. I cried myself to sleep in Namjoon's arms, and he put me to bed in his room. He wasn't in the room when I woke up, thankfully. I wasn't ready to face him after last night, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to face him at all. After four years, he suddenly appears, it came as a shock and it was what I least expected.

When I made my way downstairs, I made sure to be very quiet; it was six in the morning, and I knew everyone was still sleeping. If I made one little noise, then one of them might wake up and keep me in the house. I didn't want that to happen for two reasons; one: I had school in three hours, and two: I'm just not ready. The best option I could choose for myself is to leave without a single trace left behind. I made sure my bag was securely around my body, and that I had everything. My red sneakers were still by the door, left behind after Namjoon manhandled me. They fell out of my hand, but one of the guys must have set them aside neatly. Rushing over to the shoe rack, I quickly sat down and pulled them on in a hurry.

"You're leaving?"

The sudden voice made me jump, and I whipped my head around.

"S-seokJin Oppa," I whispered out.

Oppa's face was masked with sadness; I knew why, I was going to leave without saying goodbye. I felt guilty for leaving without uttering a farewell, and his face was only making me feel worse. I knew I should have waited to say goodbye to him, Taehyung and Jungkook, perhaps even my brother, but I couldn't. It would be too painful. I had grown close with the three, so much so that I would call them close friends. While I stayed here, we became comfortable and used to each other's presence, it was almost normal.

"No goodbye?" he pouted.

"I'm sorry," I said, avoiding his eyes. "I-I couldn't bring myself to say it."

SeokJin Oppa placed his hand on my head gently.

"It's okay, I understand how hard it is," SeokJin sympathized.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Thank you for taking care of me," I bowed ninety degrees.

"It's no problem Sae-Young ah," he said shaking his head. "Please take care of yourself out there. We might not be there a second time."

"I'll try to," I nodded. "Please tell Taehyung and Jungkook 'thank you' too."

The moment I walked out of the gate, I stopped.

"Where am I supposed to get a uniform?!" I scolded myself.

I had completely forgotten that I didn't have another uniform for school. I was so caught up in spending time with the three that it left my mind. As I walked down the street, I kept scolding myself for being ignorant. How could I forget something so important? If I don't have my uniform, they won't let me onto the campus, much less the university hospital! If I'm not on the campus and in class, I'll get kicked out. If I get kicked out, I'll lose my right to practice medicine. I can't have that, how am I supposed to help people and animals?

As I was walking by, I failed to notice that I was right in front of Unnie's Hospital. The lights were on within the main area, and I saw Chopa trotting around. Followed by Chopa, Eun-Lee Unnie came out from the back rooms. Before I knew it, a light bulb lit up above my head. Walking up towards the gate, I unlocked it and walked right up to the glass doors. Pulling the door open, I peeked my head through.

"Unnie?" I called, walking inside completely.

"Oh, Dongsaeng!" Unnie suddenly exclaimed, lifting me up and swinging me around. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Unnie," I tried to say. "Urgh... Can you stop swinging me around?"

She chuckled, setting me down and ruffling my hair.

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