Chapter 50

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I stared blankly at the picture sitting on the surface of my desk. It has only been a month since my graduation dinner party, but it seemed like a centuries-old memory at this point. A memory that I want to relive, but how can I without the family being complete? In the picture, the entire mafia came to celebrate with me, all gathered in a dining room at Singularity. We all crowded together to fit within the range of the camera. Taehyung and Namjoon sat on either side of me, wide smiles spread across their faces, both sharing skinship with me. Taehyung had his arm clasped tightly around mine with his head laying on my shoulder. Meanwhile, my brother had his hand on the top of my head, leaning closer to me. We were all sharing a happy moment at that time, I would do anything to experience it again.

However, it's also been two weeks since Taehyung's kidnapping, yet it feels like years since I've seen him. Whenever I'm alone, I find myself wallowing in a dark room, blaming myself for not being able to stop them from taking Taehyung. The boys and Unnie's have been telling me that it wasn't my fault. But I can't help but constantly think it is. I could have done something more to prevent them from taking him; I could have shot those two men earlier and run downstairs to assist him. But I didn't, my stupid fears got the better of me...

I shook my head of those depressing feelings, a heavy sigh falling from my lips. I walked backwards until the back of my thighs hit my bed. My fatigued body fell onto the bed, where I adjusted myself to lay parallel with it. My eyes blankly met the dim ceiling, this was the first time in four days since Unnie and I came home. We were called into the hospital multiple times to handle cases that needed our knowledge and input. Those cases sometimes lasted until early morning. The two of us had to stay in an on-call suite in the building, just so that we could monitor those people and be there right away in case something happened. My brother, Jin Oppa and the others were worried about us for staying us so late handling cases, but we had to do it because it was our job and our responsibility.

It was only last week when I heard of the wedding, Taehyung's wedding. This put everyone into a big rush with preparations. Namjoon hasn't been home a lot, he and the other leaders of the gangs have been making arrangements and such. From what I've heard, a group that used to be in the mafia agreed to help out the Bangtan Mafia with housing. I believed their name was SHINee, a gang made up of five members. I wasn't sure of the circumstances between them that caused the split, but from the way Jin and Yoongi Oppa talked about it, SHINee wanted peace instead of violence. They actually moved to Geochang, which serves a great purpose for our cause. We'll be staying in a fair large mansion while we carry out the operation.

Even though it was late at night, and my body was fatigued, I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was swimming with too many thoughts; thoughts about Taehyung, my brother and the workload he has from preparing for the operation to Geochang, the health of the others and the stress this event has been putting on them. The position I'm in, the only thing I can do is worry about them and treat any injuries or withdrawals they may have. I haven't been in the mafia for very long, and I wouldn't say that I've seen all there is to see, but for the others, they've seen it all. That itself can put a huge strain on their health, causing them to fall back on the medical team in the mafia. Unless someone is injured, we aren't always needed. That gives us time to recuperate, but for the others, they are always working around the clock to finalize this operation. I can't even begin to imagine the feeling of the weight on their shoulders right now.

A light knock on my door caught my attention, promptly snapping me out of my thoughts. The door then opened, and a coconut nut head peeked in, an innocent, but saddened look appearing on his bunny features. I sat up against the headboards of my bed, leaving the blankets as they left my stomach. My eyes turned soft and I nodded to him, allowing him to come in.
"You're still awake Noona?" he asked in a quiet tone, hopping over towards my bed and sitting down on it.
"Yeah... I can't sleep..." I whispered.
Looking towards Jungkook, I reached over and placed my palm on his head. This is the first time I've seen the maknae after almost a week. Even before Unnie and I left to handle things at the hospital, Jungkook hasn't been seen around the house. Well, I guess it hasn't been different for everyone else, barely anyone has been at the mansion while Unnie and I have been here. My only guess is that they've been preparing for the operation that is happening in two days.
"Are you doing okay Jungkook?" I asked. "I haven't seen you around much."
Jungkook smiled sadly, grabbing my hand and holding it firmly in his. I only saw this as a brotherly act, one that was meant to comfort me in hard times. He scooted closer to me, pulling me into a hug and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I couldn't help but bury my face into his shoulder. I felt really lonely over the past two weeks, I guess that's what happens when you lose someone dear to you. So many nights I've spent alone and it's honestly getting to me. I've felt so tired and exhausted, yet I can never fall asleep without someone, without Taehyung beside me. I guess you could say that there are valleys of eye bags under my eyes.

"Noona, don't be so worried about us," Jungkook whispered softly. "This is completely normal for a mafia. But we're all worried about you. You're barely sleeping and eating Noona, you need to take care of yourself. I know you're scared about what's going to happen, but Taehyung will be back with us soon, we all promise you."
I sniffled lightly, feeling tears sting my eyes.
"You don't want your man to scold you for not taking care of yourself, do you?"
I slowly shook my head against his shoulder.
"Then please take care of yourself these next couple days, we'll all be coming back tomorrow so you won't be feeling alone anymore," Jungkook begged. "So for now, please get some sleep Noona, I'll stay with you tonight."

Jungkook sat up against the head lard while I sunk underneath my blanket. He gently tucked me in, pulling the blankets up and over me. He delicately stroked my head as my heavy eyes closed, lulling me into a deep sleep.

Bangtan's Baby Girl {K.TH} | BTS FF/Mafia AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now