Chapter 45

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It's been almost a week since we moved into the safe house by the lake. Taehyung and I have adjusted to living on our own, cooking for ourselves and cleaning the house as if it were our own. We've been keeping in touch with Joon back home, and they say things have been going well with tracking down those people who adopted Taehyung. They've found the places they have been, and what business they have been doing; as I suspected, it was involving buying and selling drugs, redistributing them to different parts of Korea. The boys have been working hard to shut down their trading routes; half of them were destroyed already, trying to draw their leaders out into the open. It's taking them a little longer than they had hoped, but after they shut down the next vital drug trading, everyone will be able to join us. They're carrying out the next operating as Taehyung and I sit comfortably in the living room, and will hopefully be here in the morning.

I leaned my head down onto Taehyung's shoulder, feeling a little tired. We were just watching a K-Drama called Hwarang, I think we were three episodes in already. I don't think Taehyung was paying attention however, he was fiddling with my hand, holding it with his big palms changing to tracing the lines on my skin with the tip of his fingers. My mouth opened wide to let out a high pitched yawn, earning amused chuckle from Taehyung. He booped the tip of my nose with the pad of his finger, giving me a soft smile.

"Let's go to bed jagiyah," he cooed, pecking my forehead.
"Sure TaeTae, let's sleep," I agreed.

Taehyung plopped onto the bed beside me, making me bounce up off the mattress then back down. He started laughing at how a tiny 'oof' escaped my lips afterwards. I felt my face burning with embarrassment as he pulled at me cheeks as he made baby faces at me. Reaching towards his face, I cupped his cheeks in my small hands, squishing them so that his lips puckered out resembling a fish's. I pecked his lips quickly, this time making his cheeks go red. Taehyung got flustered, unable to respond cohesively as I chuckled and snuggled into his chest after pulling the blankets over us. Taehyung finally snapped back into reality, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me closer.
"You tease," he said deeply into my ear.
"I love you too Taehyung," I giggled.


During the middle of the night, I was awoke by a loud crash downstairs. It was loud enough to wake me up, but not Taehyung. He was still snoozing, a light snore falling from his mouth. His arms were still hooked around my back, keeping me close to his body. Though the situation between us was nice, I was getting anxious from the prior crash on the first floor. It couldn't have been my brother, he specifically told us that they would be here around 10 am. But looking towards the clock on our bedside, it was only a quarter past four.

Someone else was in the house.

Shifting slightly out of Taehyung's arms, I propped myself up with my elbow. I shook Taehyung's shoulder, trying to wake him up and tell him that we weren't alone. The moonlight from the window shined against his face, his nose twitching slightly.
"Taehyung," I whispered once he stirred against my hand. "Taehyung, please wake up."
Hearing the desperation in my voice, his eyes shot open immediately. He sat up in front of me meeting my eyes with a worried, and serious gaze. His big hands cupped my cheeks as he saw the fear running through my eyes.
"Baby what's wrong?" he said in a quiet voice.
"I-I think someone i-is downstairs..." I replied fearfully.

Sure enough, there was another loud crash downstairs, followed by audible whisper shouting. Taehyung's eyes widened as his head turned towards the door. I watched as his jaw clenched tightly, the bone of his mandible popping out. When he turned back to me, his burning stare softened once his eyes met mine. His hands dropped to mine, clasping them tightly in his. He tugged on my arms, nodding his head towards the duffle bag against the wall beside us.
"I have to do down there Sae-Young," he whispered.
I followed Taehyung off the bed, heading towards the bag. He quietly unzipped the bag, revealing the masses of weapons contained inside. Silver knives sat on top black, sleek guns, with ammo cases tucked away to the end of the bag. Taehyung dug around in the bag first and pulled out black waist straps and leg straps, where holsters were sewn onto the straps. I was confused as to why he handed me one, staring at it blankly. Taehyung didn't say anything, only standing up and reaching around my back, clipping it around my waist. He took the leg straps and clipped it around both my thighs.
"Sae-Youngie, you need to be armed in case something happens," he informed me, shoving a gun into a holster on my hip. "We don't know who's down there, but I afraid we've been found."

I felt like my breath was caught in my throat when those words slipped through his lips. We were safe, we were off the grid and protected by Yoongi Oppa's system. They made sure none of our phone calls were being traced. But hearing that we might have been found made me think that someone broke into the system, and found us. I broke down into silent tears, watching Taehyung load my belt with knives and another gun. My sobs caught Taehyung's attention as he was arming himself with guns and blade. He stood up and turned around, looking at me with saddened eyes. Taehyung knew what I was thinking right off the bat; he was going to go down there, and fight whoever broke into our house. The chance of him being unable to fight back and be taken without resistance was too high. He cupped my cheeks in his hands bringing up my face to deliver a gentle kiss. Taehyung pulled away, wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

"I don't want you to get hurt love," he whispered. "I need to go down there."
"T-Taehyung... Please don't..." I begged, holding onto his wrists.
"I have to," he shook his head.

Taehyung pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing me against his chest. He tucked his head into the crook of my neck, his hot breath brushing past my skin.
"I love you so much Sae-Youngie," he whispered. "Don't ever forget that."
The way Taehyung spoke, it sounded like he was going to directly walk into death's hands. I hated that he was going to risk his life for me, just to keep me safe. I didn't want him to do it, we didn't know what could happen, and I sure didn't want to ever find out. But the way things are playing out, my worst fears are coming through. He clutched my body tightly, leaving his touch abundant on my shaking body.
"I love you too but-" I tried to plead with him again.
"Try to reach Namjoon Hyung," he told me. "Tell him what's going on."
Before I could deny his request, he kissed me again. It wasn't deep nor too soft, it was sensual and executed for the purpose of creating a memory of it. He warmth left my body as he pulled away entirely, his hands running down my arms and holding my hands momentarily before letting go. I felt frozen as I couldn't do anything but watch him open the door enough for him to slip out, then close it with a quiet click.

There was a moment of silence in the house before loud gunshots rang out.

The time in this room seemed to come to a standstill as I could hear foreign voices yelling downstairs. The yelling was drowned out by the arrays of gunshots, the loud, ear piercings sound echoing through the house. This was one of the few times I felt true fear; the fear that they were going to take Taehyung and possibly kill him. I could t hear his sweet voice in my head anymore, the only thing that I could hear was his dying breath while saying my name. It just brought more tears to my eyes, that I would never hear his happy voice again, much less see him alive. But I had to put those fears aside; I need to tell Namjoon that we were found.

Running towards the nightstand beside our bed, I dove for my phone sitting on top. With shaking hands, I unlocked it and tapped on Namjoon's name. I was praying that he would be awake and hear what I had to say and hopefully be here sooner. With every ring that passed, I felt like I was slowly losing hope. He wasn't answering when we needed him, and it was only confirmed when an automated voice came on. I frantically pressed on redial, hoping that the first one woke him up or something!

"Please answer Joon..." I begged.

The door to my room suddenly burst open, the wood buckling at its hinges. I felt absolute dread as two men stood at my door frame, looking at me with wicked grins. They stepped into my room and strode towards me quickly. I couldn't even respond as the ringing stopped and his voice came through.

"Sae-Young?! Sae-Young, what's wrong?!"

Before I knew it, they grabbed me and ripped the phone out of my grasp. I could only scream when an arm wrapped around my throat, and two hands gripped my ankles before lifting me up off the floor. The only thing I could do was struggle as I watched the guy holding my neck turn his head towards my phone sitting on the floor, with Joon still screaming frantically. He growled before whipping out a gun and firing right directly at the device. My last sliver of hope was crushed as my phone exploded into millions of pieces, the last of Namjoon's voice interrupted and cut off.

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