Chapter 7

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"Sae-Young... look at me," I begged, trying to keep her awake.

I kept her cradled in my arms, trying to keep her warm. It was a miracle that she's hung on this long; looking at me with drowsy eyes. I don't know how much blood she's lost, but she was still conscious. I held onto her hand tightly, reassuring her that I wouldn't leave. Sae-Young was still breathing, but she was struggling to take in deep breaths. Nonetheless, she was still with me.

"Taehyung ah?!" I heard a voice yell for me.

"Hyung! Over here!" I answered.

Two pairs of footsteps rushed over towards us; I looked up to see who it was. Jin's eyes widened, rushing over to crouch down beside us. Jungkook stood back, shock written over his face as he watched us. Hyung looked back up at me, with questioning eyes.

"Is she why you wanted the shopping district?" he asked with a slight hint of anger while checking her wounds. "You know what Namjoon told us!"

I did know what Namjoon Hyung told us: "One of the most important rules: innocents will not be dragged into our business. They are to be unaware of our gang matters, and live as if we don't exist." Despite this, I couldn't help it; no matter how hard I tried, I could never forget her. She was constantly in my mind, and I always thought about her. She was special, and I won't deny it.

I felt Sae-Young go limp in my arms, her breathing almost ceasing to exist. By this time, tears were flowing down my cheeks, fearing that she would die right here in this alley. I looked at Jin-Hyung, who was returning my fearful gaze. I knew what he was thinking, he hated losing people in his care; it's only happened once, but he doesn't want it to happen again.

"Jungkook, I need you to drive," Jin ordered, standing up and grabbing the first aid kit. "Taehyung, get her into the car."

I nodded, grabbing her bag, and lifting her up. We all ran towards the car, leaving the three men behind. Jungkook literally jumped into the driver's side, both excited and nervous to be driving for the first time. Jin instructed me to lay Sae-Young onto the back seats, while we kneeled in the foot space. I pressed the cloths onto her wounds while Jin Hyung was checking her vitals.

"Her pulse is stable," he muttered.

Jungkook pressed on the gas, the car lurching forward. Both Jin Hyung and I lurched towards Sae-Young, but we caught ourselves before anything happened.

"Jungkook!" Jin yelled at him.

"Sorry! I can't drive properly yet!" he yelled back.

"Remind me to never let him drive again," Jin whispered in my ear.

I simply nodded.

In a matter of minutes, we made it back to the house. Jungkook was banned from driving ever again, and he didn't argue back. He opened the doors for us, helping Jin Hyung out first, followed by me. We pulled Sae-Young out of the car, and I carried her bridal style, following the others. I was so thankful that the other Hyungs are out for a week, obtaining a possible lead from Stray Kids in Ansan. They just left yesterday, and won't be back for a while. This gives us enough time to help Sae-Young; stitch up her wounds and help her recover. If they were to find out I had gotten close with an innocent, then I would pay for it dearly; that rule was incredibly important, and who known what would happen now that I've broken it.

Once we were inside the house, I followed Jin Hyung to the infirmary. He opened the door, allowing me to step in first. I quickly laid her down on one of the beds and pulling her hair away from her face. Large heads of sweat had accumulated on her skin in an effort to try and cool her body down. Her breathing was ragged and unsteady. Gulping, I lifted her shirt up, revealing an opening in her hip. It was bleeding very little now, but we still needed to close it up.

Jin Hyung came over to us with a tray of medical supplies; gauze, antiseptic, a surgical needle and thread, cotton balls and a pair of scissors. He also had an IV needle and a bag of clear liquid. I helped him turn her into her side, followed by him sticking the needle into a vein in her arm. He connected the clear bag with a plastic tube before hanging it on a rack. He came back over to us, pulling her shirt up a little further. Jin inspected her gunshot wounds, grimacing at the sight.

"Jungkook, can you bring a bag of O- blood over?" he ordered beginning to clean Sae-Young's wounds. "Also, connect the blood pressure cuff to her arm and the heart rate clip to her finger."

"Sure," he nodded, walking to the room and heading towards the storage unit.

I helped Hyung clean her wounds with antiseptic, as Jungkook connected her IV to the blood bag. Jin Hyung was had a degree in medicine; before this, he worked in a hospital in his hometown. He was one of the best, but he chose to stay with us because he saw that we needed him. Jin knew what to do when someone needed medical attention. I didn't know how to explain it, but he just knew what to do. We trust him enough to take care of us in emergencies like this. As he was stitching up her wounds, he did so with precision and care, never getting the thread caught with itself, and inserting the needle in the right place. Jin covered the wounds delicately with a bandage, securing them with tape.

Jin sighed in exhaustion, leaning back in his chair. He turned his head towards the heart rate monitor and read out her vitals.

"Heart rate, sixty seven, BP, one twenty over eighty. Oxygen levels, one hundred percent," he announced. "She'll be okay. She just needs to rest and take her medications that I'll get for her. Taehyung, when she wakes up, don't let her move around too much."

I nodded, but worried about what we were going to do.

"Are we... telling Namjoon Hyung about this?" I dared to ask.

Jungkook looked nervous as he looked between Jin and I. He was just as afraid as me; what was going to happen to Sae-Young? I don't even want to think about the last time this has happened; it was cruel, what Namjoon and Hoseok did to the man who was once our friend sold us out. I was worried that he would do the same thing to Sae-Young. She's just a girl, a freshman with her entire life ahead of her; she doesn't deserve to die.

Jin closed his eyes and shook his head.

"No, we won't," he answered. "She's important to you, right Taehyung? Then we'll let her recover here until she can return back to her normal life. Once she's gone, we'll act like this never happened."

"What if that doesn't work?" Jungkook dared to ask. "What if they do find out, and she'll end up like Jae-Suk?"

"I'm not going to let that happen," I justified. "I will take the fall if I have to."

July 10, 2018

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