Chapter 26

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Namjoon's POV
"The baby says you summoned me?" Yoongi Hyung joked, walking into my office.
I rested my head on my hand, looking at him with unamused eyes. Once again, he entered my room without knocking. It's starting to get real old when he walks in like he owns the place.
"We really got work on your habit of walking into places without knocking," I glared at him.
"Hey, the kids shouldn't have been making out in the first place," he shrugged, sitting on the couch, and crossing his leg over the other.
"Moving on..." I sighed. "I need you to do me a favour."
"I want lamb skewers for dinner tonight in exchange," he said bluntly.
"Alright alright, I'll let Jin Hyung know," I groaned.

After agreeing to Yoongi Hyung's love of lamb skewers, I gave him the rundown of what I wanted him to do. From what I've learned from Jin Hyung about my sister's situation, I only felt it was right the investigate how on earth that idiot got into a high-class university. Hyun-Seok was the worst performing student through middle school and freshman year of high school, he shouldn't have been accepted into Seoul Medical University. The only thing I could think about this whole situation in that it was a fluke. He must have faked his transcripts, and possibly bribed someone. If we can bring that information to the university's administration, then we can hope they will expel him. They won't expel him for assault, which is stupid. If they won't expel him for that, surely this would get him kicked out.

"Wasn't this the guy who caused you trouble while you were in school?" he questioned. "That crazy bastard is going after your sister now?"
My fists clenched tightly, and Hyung only nodded in acknowledgement. He twirled the piece of paper with Hyun-Seok's full name in between his fingers. His face twisted to one of anger every time the name written in red ink flashed towards him. It was obvious what he was thinking, he wanted to kill him just as much as me. The look on his face proved that he meant business in taking Hyun-Seok down. His assassin side rarely comes through (not as much as the others) but when it does, he doesn't play around.
"Wide-scale mission?" he questioned, ripping the white scrap paper.
"No, just us seven," I shook my head. "The others need to recuperate after yesterday."
Hyung nodded thoughtfully, resting sideways onto the armrest of the couch.
"Who will be staying with Sae-Young while we do this?" he asked, concerned about her safety. "I'm going to assume this is just threat mission. Obviously, you and Taehyung want to make him shit his pants for hurting Sae-Young. But who else will be heading out?"
"We can decide that after you get a background on this asshole," I answered him.
"Guess I won't be sleeping much today," he chuckled dryly. "But it's for Sae-Young, I'll let it slide."

As he was getting up to leave, I warned him.
"Sae-Young is getting her own room, you better start knocking."
"For the baby, yes," he nodded. "But for you guys, hell naw."
"Come on hyung!" I yelled after he left.

I swear, if he walks in on her while she's changing, I'm going to explode.

A couple of days later...
"Besides the casino, what else are we doing?" Jimin asked, sitting down on the chair beside me.

It's been a few days since Sae-Young and I talked things out. She agreed to move in with us and is packing up as we speak. Her testing finished just a couple days ago, now she can focus on packing up her apartment and move into the room across from Hoseok's. I'm curious as to how she did on her evaluations, but I sure she passed without any problems; she takes testing very seriously, and wouldn't let anything mess her up. Even when she was younger, she studied hard for her tests, reaching first place without getting any question wrong. Unfortunately, her classmates weren't happy about her always getting first, and that contributed to her constant bullying. I'm happy that I can protect her now, and prevent more people from hurting her.

Later today, we would assist her in moving her belongings, and help her settle into the mansion. However, tonight is also when we execute Operation Fluke. The plan was to hunt down Hyun-Seok, threaten him, and get him kicked out of the university, along with anyone else who contributed to her torment. As I had suspected, he did fake his transcripts and bribed a shady administrative personnel. How it passed through security was beyond me, but I do know that he needs to leave my baby sister alone. Not only him but the entire school. One threat towards the students should be enough. We don't normally do this, but we have no other choice.

"Later tonight, we have the pleasure of threatening several cowards who think it's alright to terrorize Sae-Young," Yoongi Hyung answered scornfully. "I was on the side of killing them, but... Well if she found out about it, then who knows what she'll do."
"She'll kick your ass Hyung," Jungkook chuckled, playing with his pocket knife.
"Clean your mouths!" Jin Hyung exclaimed, bursting through the doors with a pink face mask.
We all looked at him with confused eyes, wondering why on earth his face was covered with a pink sheet of damp paper. It was like time had froze, we were just completely dumbstruck by the oldest brother's choices to as he says: "To keep his face worldwide handsome." I wasn't sure if I should be angry at him for being late to the meeting, or if I should just let it go.
"Anyways," I coughed. "Jin Hyung and Hoseok, I want you two to stay here and help Sae-Young settle in while we take care of this. As usual Yoongi Hyung, I want you stationed in the van, tracking our movements, as well as sending off that file to the university. Maknaes, you're with me."
Everyone nodded in satisfaction, agreeing completely with the plan at hand.

"When are we helping out with the casino?" Hobi asked.
"Sehun and Kai are still formulating a plan, they'll get back to us when they're finished," Yoongi answered him.
"Who will be staying with Sae-Young during then?" Taehyung coaxed, fiddling in his seat.
"I'd prefer if it was one of us," I sighed. "I don't have anything against the others, it's just that Sae-Young isn't familiar with them."
"We should wait until EXO is finished with the plan, I'll let them know about this," Jimin added.
"I swear if it's Jackson, I taping him to the ceiling fan," Taehyung growled slightly.
"Yah, that's Jimin's thing," Yoongi chuckled.

Please, don't let it be Jackson.

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